The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  69

posted December 9 ,  0  4 ,
/ 0  8  9 /ExxonMobil-Commercial- 0  4 -  0 .aspx.
64. latest forecasts only extend: EIA, “Do We Have Enough Oil World-
wide to Meet Our Future Needs?” last modified September ,  0  7 , http://www 38 &t= 6.
6 . estimated reserves are much smaller: Howard Frumkin, Jeremy Hess,
and Stephen Vindigni, “Energy and Public Health: The Challenge of Peak
Petroleum,” Public Health Reports  4 , no.  ( January-February  009 ): – 9 ,
https:/ 60  9 /.
66. percentage would have been even higher: “Statistical Review of
World Energy-Underpinning Data,  96 – 0  6 ,” British Petroleum, https://
-of-world-energy.html; for production until  009 , see: Table 7. 3 (conversion
factors), p. 437 , and Table 7. 6 (cumulative production), p. 440 , in Thomas
Johansson et al., eds., Global Energy Assessment—Toward a Sustainable Future
(New York: Cambridge University Press,  0 ), http: //
ter 7 _resources_lowres.pdf.

Chapter 5

. were Incan descendants: Alfred Bingham, “Raiders of the Lost City,”
American Heritage 38 , no.  ( July/August  987 ), http://www.americanheritage.
com/content/raiders-lost-city; Ruth Wright and Alfredo Zegarra, eds., The
Machu Picchu Guidebook: A Self-Guided Tour (Englewood, NJ: Westcliffe Pub-
lishers,  00 ), ix.
. Rather than accept despair: “Elinor Ostrom,” The Economist, June 30 ,
 0 , 77  7.
3. “The Tragedy of the Commons”: Garrett Hardin, “The Tragedy of
the Commons,” Science  6 , no. 38  9 (December  968 ):  43 – 48 , http://science 6 / 38  9 / 43 .full.pdf.
4. Nobel Prize in Economics: “Elinor Ostrom Biographical,” Nobel
Prize citation, accessed September ,  0  8 ,
/economics/ 009 /ostrom/auto-biography/; “Oliver E. Williamson Biographi-
cal,” Nobel Prize citation, accessed September ,  0  8 , https://www.nobelprize
.org/prizes/economics/ 009 /williamson/auto-biography/.
. Her studies in Nepal: Elinor Ostrom, “How Farmer Managed Irri-
gation Systems Build Social Capital to Outperform Agency Managed Sys-
tems That Rely Primarily on Physical Capital,” in P. Pradhan and U. Gautam,

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