The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 84 Notes

 0. farms producing hogs fell by almost three-quarters: James Mac-
Donald, “Concentration, Contracting, and Competition Policy in U.S. Agri-
business,” Concurrences, no.  ( 0  6 ): 3 – 9 , 478  97 / 7

/Lianos 03 % 0 concurrences- 0  6 _on_topics_lianos_etal.pdf.
. control nearly two-thirds of all hogs: Ibid.
. 95 percent of all hogs marketed: Howard, Concentration and Power, 8 .
 3. rural labor with few opportunities: Christopher Leonard, The Meat
Racket: The Secret Takeover of America’s Food Business (New York: Simon &
Schuster,  0  4 ).
 4. living below the poverty line: “The Business of Broilers: Hidden
Costs of Putting a Chicken on Every Grill,” Pew Charitable Trusts, Decem-
ber  0 ,  0  3 ,
. so toxic it can kill humans and the pigs: Kevin Schulz, “Hydro-
gen Sulfide—the Invisible Killer in Hog Manure,” National Hog Farmer,
September  8 ,  0 ,
 6. a victory for America’s cattle and beef producers: Larry Dreiling,
“USDA Withdraws GIPSA Rule,” High Plains Journal, October  7 ,  0  7 , http:
3  3 a 6 dc-b 36 f

  • e 7 - 8 ef 0 - 73  08 b 90 a 0  9 .html.
     7. increased consumer prices for meat: Ibid.
     8. market dominance exceeds 70 percent: MacDonald, “Concentration.”
     9. control more than half of each market: Keith Fuglie et al., “Rising
    Concentration in Agricultural Input Industries Influences New Farm Tech-
    nologies,” ERS, December 3 ,  0 , 0 
    60. Walmart controlling one-third: Stephanie Clifford, “Wal-Mart Tests
    Service for Buying Food Online,” New York Times, April  4 ,  0 , http:// 0 / 04 //business/walmart.html; “Grocery Goliaths:
    How Food Monopolies Impact Consumers,” Food & Water Watch, Decem-
    ber  0  3 , 0
    Goliaths% 0 Report% 0 Dec% 0  0  3 .pdf.
    6 . Tyson Foods owns thirty-eight brands: “Our Brands,” Tyson Foods,
    accessed March  9 ,  0  8 ,; “Trusted
    Brands,” Smithfield Foods, accessed March  9 ,  0  8 , https://www.smith
    6 . Smithfield now controls 27 percent: “Estimated Daily U.S. Slaughter
    Capacity by Plant (head per day),” Pork Checkoff, National Pork Board, last

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