The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  9 

.pdf; FSIS, “Pathogen Reduction—Salmonella and Campylobacter Performance
Standards Verification Testing,” April  8 ,  0  7 ,  6 - 9 , https://www.fsis.usda.
gov/wps/wcm/connect/b 0790997 - e 74 - 48 bf- 9799 - 8  8  4 bac 9 ceb/ 8 _IM_PR
. For ground poultry: FSIS, “Pathogen Reduction,”  6 - 6 ,  6 - 9.
 6. FSIS advises consumers: FSIS, “Washing Food: Does It Promote
Food Safety?” last modified July ,  0  3 ,
 7. Calls for a single food-safety agency: GAO, “Food Safety—A Na-
tional Strategy Is Needed to Address Fragmentation in Federal Oversight,”
GAO  7 - 74 , January  0  7 , 690 / 68  09 .pdf.
 8. Acme [Meat] Packing Company: Alexandra Silver, “Top  0 Things
You Didn’t Know About the Green Bay Packers,” TIME, February 4 ,  0 , 0 , 8804 , 046390

 046393  046466 , 00 .html.
 9. higher line speeds with few complaints: Ted Genoways, The Chain:
Farm, Factory, and the Fate of Our Food (New York: HarperCollins,  0  4 ).
60. cut hourly compensation: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), “Em-
ployment and Earnings December  983 ,” vol. 30 , no. , December  983 , 84 , 980 s/empl
 983 .pdf; BLS, “Employment and Earnings December  984 ,” vol. 3 , no.
, December  984 , 88 ,
ployment/ 980 s/empl_ 984 .pdf.
6 . Over 90 percent of the seafood: National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, “Fisheries of the United States,  0  6 Fact Sheet,” October 3 ,
 0  7 , 4 ,
eries-united-states- 0  6 -fact-sheet.
6 . cut by half through mostly immigrant labor: BLS, “Occupational Em-
ployment and Wages, May  0  6 , - 30  3 Slaughterers and Meat Packers,” last
modified March 3 ,  0  7 , 0  6 /may/oes 30  3 .htm.
63. hourly compensation in China: “‘Made in China’ Isn’t So Cheap
Anymore, and That Could Spell Headache for Beijing,” CNBC, February
 7 ,  0  7 , 0  7 / 0 / 7 chinese-wages-rise-made-in-china
-isnt-so-cheap-anymore.html; Tim Worstall, “Chinese Wages Are Showing
Paul Krugman Is Right Once Again,” Forbes, March ,  0  7 , https://www.forbes
.com/sites/timworstall/ 0  7 / 03 / 0 /chinese-wages-are-showing-paul-krug
man-is-right-once-gain/# 7 bd 8 a 3  3 fea.
64. Chinese plants were equivalent to United States standards: FSIS,
“Final Report of an Audit Conducted in the People’s Republic of China,

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