The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

300 Notes

RegulatoryInformation/UCM 9  96 .pdf.
69. German food conglomerate: Leeder, “Honey Laundering”; “Two
Companies and Five Individuals Charged with Roles in Illegal Honey Im-
ports; Avoided $ 80 Million In Anti-Dumping Duties,” US Attorney’s Office,
Northern District of Illinois, last modified July  7 ,  0 , https://www.justice
-honey-imports-avoided- 80.
70. evade $180 million in duties: US Attorney’s Office, Northern District
of Illinois, “Two Companies and Five Individuals.”
7 . Chinese honey was seized: US Immigration and Customs En-
forcement, “ICE, CBP in Houston Seize Illegally Imported Honey Valued at
$. 4  Million,” last modified February ,  0 ,
/releases/ice-cbp-houston-seize-illegally-imported-honey-valued- 4 
7 . countries with little history of exports: Susan Berfield, “The Honey
Launderers: Uncovering the Largest Food Fraud in U.S. History,” Bloom-
berg, September  0 ,  0  3 , 0  3 - 09 -  9

73. antibiotic given to bees but not approved: Berfield, “The Honey
Launderers”; for more information about chloramphenicol dangers to adults
and children, see: HHS, “Chloramphenicol. CAS No.  6 - 7 - 7 ” in “The  3 th
Report on Carcinogens,” October ,  0  4 ,
/content/profiles/chloramphenicol.pdf; Mike Isildar et al., “DNA Damage in
Intact Cells Induced by Bacterial Metabolites of Chloramphenicol,” American
Journal of Hematology  8 , no.  (May  988 ), 40 – 46 , 0 . 00 /ajh
. 830  80  09.
74. marker for illegal Chinese honey: FDA, “FDA Import Alert 36 -
04 ,” February 8 ,  0  8 ,.
7 . issued six import alerts: Ibid.
76. anti-inflammatory drugs used in horses: “EU Tests Identify Horse-
meat in Almost Five Percent of Beef Products,” DW Akademie, April  6 ,  0  3 ,
-beef-products/a- 6748  4.
77. tone down its findings: Felicity Lawrence, “Horsemeat Scandal Report
Calls for Urgent and Comprehensive Reforms,” The Guardian, September 4 ,
 0  4 , 0  4 /sep/ 04 /horsemeat-scandal

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