The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

30  Notes

8 . “gutter oil”: David Barboza, “Recycled Cooking Oil Found to Be

Latest Hazard in China,” New York Times, March 3 ,  0  0 , http://www.ny 0  0 / 04 / 0 /world/asia/ 0 shanghai.html; Michael Riggs, “China’s
Frightening, Unpleasant Cooking-Oil Scandal,” The Atlantic, October 30 ,
 0  3 , 0  3 / 0 /chinas-frightening
-unpleasant-cooking-oil-scandal/ 8  000 /; Editorial Board, “Taiwan’s ‘Gutter
Oil’ Scandal,” New York Times, September  8 ,  0  4 ,
/ 0  4 / 09 / 9 /opinion/taiwans-gutter-oil-scandal.html.
86. thirty different medical conditions: Brownell and Horgen, Food
Fight, 43 ; “The Impact of Obesity on Your Body and Health,” American So-
ciety for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, accessed March ,  0  8 , https://as
87. cheaper to fill up on unhealthy foods: Carlson and Frazão, “Are
Healthy Foods Really More Expensive?”
88. burn off a slice of pizza: Penny Klatell, “Seven Ways to Cut Down
on Pizza Calories,” Eat Out Eat Well, March ,  0 , http://www.eatouteatwell
89. attempts to lose weight: “Nudge, Nudge,” The Economist, Decem-
ber ,  0 , 6807 /print.
90. metabolisms had slowed down: Erin Fothergill et al., “Persistent
Metabolic Adaptation 6 Years After ‘The Biggest Loser’ Competition,” Obe-
sity  4 , no. 8 (August  0  6 ),  6 – 9 , 0 . 00 /oby. 38 ; Gina
Kolata, “After ‘The Biggest Loser,’ Their Bodies Fought to Regain Weight,”
New York Times, May ,  0  6 , 0  6 / 0 / 0 /health
9 . best dietary advice: Frazão, “America’s Eating Habits,” 34.
9 . evils of overeating: Ibid.

Chapter 10

. engineered to resist pesticides: The term pesticide customarily includes
herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, repellants, and other control agents.
. For thousands of years: Paul Kriwaczek, Babylon: Mesopotamia and
the Birth of Civilization (New York: Thomas Dunne Books,  0 ), Kindle
edition; “Ancient Mesopotamia: The History, Our History,” Oriental Insti-
tute Museum, University of Chicago, accessed March ,  0  8 , http://chnm. 3 /whm.html.
3. Silt particles too small to see: Thorkild Jacobsen and Robert Adams,
“Salt and Silt in Ancient Mesopotamian Agriculture,” Science  8 , no. 3334

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