Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1
CHAPTER 7 Statement of cash flows 313

7.36 Preparing a statement of cash flows  LO3

Presented below is information for the Hale Partnership for the year ended 31 December 2016.
Use the information to prepare a statement of cash flows.

Cash balance, 31 December 2016
Cash paid to employees and suppliers
Cash received from sale of land
Cash paid as GST
Cash received from debentures
Cash paid to purchase truck
Cash balance, 1 January 2016
Cash paid as drawings
Cash received from customers
Cash received as interest
Cash paid for interest
Cash paid to purchase equipment

$51 618
220 013
38 079
16 924
25 386
30 000
38 925
53 311
279 247
6 770
4 231
12 310

7.37 Cash flow as a performance indicator  LO4

The importance of cash flow to people both inside and outside an entity is apparent by a quick look
through financial papers and internet sites. For instance, Foster’s Group Ltd eagerly announced in
the press that it has curtailed its negative cash flow for its operations in China. BHP Billiton also
announced that its cash flow was benefiting from a strong oil price, and Austar United Commu-
nications Ltd announced a major debt restructure to help it meet its goal of having free cash flow.
a. Outline the reasons why companies are eager to share positive news about their cash flow
b. What is free cash flow? Is it a good measure of cash flow performance?

7.38 Calculating net cash flows and cash flow ratios  LO4

Information for Frank and Merle’s Bowling Goods Pty Ltd has been extracted from their financial
statements and is presented below.

30 June 2017 30 June 2016

Total current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Trade debtors
Trade creditors
Accrued expenses
Income tax payable
Prepaid expenses

$100 000
20 700
67 100
51 200
12 200
36 600
9 200
11 700

$90 300
24 400
61 000
43 900
15 900
30 500
11 000
14 600

Information relating to the year ended 30 June 2017 is as follows.

Total asset expenditure
Cost of sales
Depreciation expense
Income tax expense
Operating expenses (excluding depreciation)
Dividends paid

$51 000
445 000
251 500
30 500
36 600
67 100
12 200

a. Calculate the net cash flows from operating activities.
b. Compute the cash adequacy ratio, the cash flow ratio, the debt coverage ratio and the cash flow
to sales ratio.
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