Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1
CHAPTER 8 Analysis and interpretation of financial statements 381

Ratio Calculation Interpretation

Capital structure ratios

Debt to equity

Total liabilities
× 100
Total equity

Measures the dollar of liabilities
per dollar of equity

Debt ratio Total liabilities
× 100
Total assets

Measures the dollar of liabilities
per dollar of assets

Equity ratio Total equity
× 100
Total assets

Measures the dollar of equities
per dollar of assets

Interest coverage

Net finance costs

Measures the ability of the entity
to meet its net finance costs out of
current year’s profits before interest
and tax

Debt coverage

Non-current liabilities
Net cash flows from operating activities

Measures the payback period for the
coverage of long-term debt

Market performance ratios

Net tangible
asset backing
per share

Ordinary shareholders’ equity − Intangible assets
Number of ordinary shares on issue at year-end

Measures the value of tangible assets
(as reported in the balance sheet) per
ordinary share on issue

Earnings per

Profit available to ordinary shareholders
Weighted number of ordinary shares on issue

Measures the profit generated for
ordinary shareholders per ordinary
share on issue

Dividend per

Dividends paid or provided to ordinary
shareholders in the current reporting period
Weighted number of ordinary shares on issue

Measures the dividend declared or paid
to ordinary shareholders per ordinary
share on issue

Dividend payout

Dividends per share
Earnings per share

Measures the percentage of current
period’s profits declared or paid as

Operating cash
flow per share

Net cash flows from operating activities −
Preference dividends
Weighted number of ordinary shares on issue

Measures the operating cash flows
generated per ordinary share on issue

Price earnings

Current market price
Earnings per share

Measures the number of years of
earnings that the market is capitalising
into share price
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