Vanity Fair UK - 10.2019

(Grace) #1
Legendarily a renaissance man in all things aquatic, the explorer and filmmaker Jacques Cousteau pioneered marine conservation—
work, that his youngest son continues. Pierre-Yves has established the protection of sharks in the Bahamas, created a wildlife sanctuary
in New Caledonia and recently rescued an entangled loggerhead turtle in Formentera. He finds time both a philosophical motivation
and an intrusive yet vital consideration. Driven by Seneca’s maxim—“If the greatness of our soul can surpass the narrowness of
human wanting, a lot of time becomes available for our own exploration”—he is all too aware of his dangereous tendency to become
mesmerised by the seascape. “As soon as I break the ocean surface, I lose track of time, absorbed in the beauty of the wildlife, and
I often find myself suddenly realising I am running out of air.” In tribute to his father, his favoured special watch is the first IWC
Aquatimer Chronograph Edition Expedition Jacques-Yves Cousteau from 2004. —S.E.

Photographed in Formentera, Ibiza on July, 9, 2019, wearing an
IWC Aquatimer Chronograph Edition “Expedition Jacques-Yves Cousteau”

Pierre-Yves Cousteau

Photograph by EVA KRUIPER


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