Vanity Fair UK - 10.2019

(Grace) #1
Marcella Hansch

Photograph by PETER RIGUAD

Photographed on Usedom Beach, Germany on May 17, 2019 wearing an
Oris Clean Ocean Limited Edition watch

Time is of the essence to Marcella Hansch, who faces the mother of all deadlines: cleansing
the oceans of plastic pollution before it is too late. The 32-year-old German architect began
her not-for-profit company, Pacific Ocean Garbage, after developing the idea as part of her
Master’s thesis at Aachen University in 2013. She designed an enormous floating platform that
filters plastic particles from water without harming marine life; the plastic collected is recycled
into energy and fully degradable bioplastic. The concept isn’t built yet, but Hansch hopes to
have the first prototypes in action within a few years. Hansch was propelled into action during
a scuba-diving trip in Cape Verde: “I realised that there was so much more plastic around than
fish. The huge issues around ocean pollution touched me.” She keeps track of her progress
with an Oris Clean Ocean Limited Edition. The blessing of this “ecologically minded” brand
underlines what she and her team have been working so hard for. “Creating awareness of
what I fight for with a timepiece reflects how crucial time is and that we don’t have much of it
left to make things right.” The partnership also reminds Hansch how quickly it is possible to
galvanise an effective campaign. “I started as a single fighter with a huge vision; now we have
an engaged team working to adapt the vision into feasible technology.” From taking daily
plastic-aware measures to attending beach clean-up events, Hansch believes it is important
for every individual to take the time to realise they can make a difference.—KATE QUILL


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