2019-09-01 Commercial Design

(Chris Devlin) #1
Commercial Design | September 2019 | 21

time, is easier and requires
less labour as compared to any
other applications. It provides
eTcellent sound insulation and
superior łre-resistant properties.
Among other advantages, drywall
results in signiłcant structural
cost savings, as it is much
lighter than conventional brick/
block systems. In the current
scenario, it is the best, eco-friendly
solution available. Gyproc India
has developed strong technical
capabilities with its centralised
design team to support clients with
cost and performance-optimised
drywall solutions for projects.

How does the company gather
consumer/market insights
to enhance functionality and
Gyproc India has always been
a customer-centric company to
drive innovative, solution-oriented
offerings and to address speciłc
customer needs. We invest in
market research and crunch data
to come up with insights and new
product ideas. The innovations
span products and services,
manufacturing and supply chain.
We dedicatedly create new
categories in interiors through

Products like Glasroc H has brought in a breakthrough in the gypsum board solutions,
providing mold and water-resistant characteristics, and supporting tile cladding up to
60 kg/sqm.


Glasroc H board, a plasterboard product
Àt, proYLdes outstaQdLQJ perIorPaQce LQ
areas e[posed to Zater sucK as NLtcKeQs,
batKrooPs aQd sePLe[posed ]oQes ,t Kas
beeQ PaQuIactured ZLtK *5* tecKQoloJ\
Jlass reLQIorced J\psuP ³ Jlass Àbre
reLQIorced J\psuP core aQd eQcased
ZLtK specLall\ treated K\dropKobLc Jlass
Pat lLQers 7Ke IroQt aQd bacN surIace Ls
reLQIorced ZLtK Jlass Pats tKat proYLde
e[celleQt Zater aQd PoldresLstaQce
6 pecLall\ desLJQed Ior tLlLQJ, *lasroc + caQ
taNe up to NJ per sTP dLrectl\, aQd be
MoLQted aQd ÀQLsKed ZLtK decoratLYe paLQt
$QotKer reYolutLoQar\ product Ls tKe
Habito board, ZKLcK taNes care oI dLrect
loadLQJ oQ Zalls sucK as, 79 , cabLQets, racNs,
$& or decor elePeQts usLQJ a reJular
PP carpeQter screZ

Fiat manufacturing
facility, Pune.

Using a regular 10mm carpenter screw,
Habito takes care of direct loading on
walls such as, TV, cabinets, racks, AC, etc.
Free download pdf