Glossary/Index A89
multilateral action, 6 1 7, 618 Foreig n
policy carried out by a nation in
coordination with other nations or
international organizations.
Mulvaney, Michael, 481
murder rate, media coverage on, 251,
251, 252
Murphy, Walter, 66
Murray, Charles, 102
Muslim countries, travel ban aimed
at, 53, 57–58, 192, 192, 445, 445,
mutually assured destruction, 622 The
idea that two nations that possess
large stores of nuclear weapons—
like the United States and the Soviet
Union during the Cold War—would
both be annihilated in any nuclear
exchange, thus making it unlikely
that either country would launch a
first attack.
My Story (Parks), 167
NA ACP, 160, 172, 188
Nader, Ralph, 288
Nadler, Jerrold, 410
NAFTA, 530, 544, 566, 623
name recognition in campaigns, 316, 331
NAR AL Pro-Choice America, 346, 362
NASA, 7, 238, 364, 470, 477, 553
Nassar, Lawrence G., 180
The Nation, 249
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), 7, 238, 364,
470, 477, 553
national anthem, athletes kneeling
during, 171–72, 187
National Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People (NA ACP),
160, 172, 188
National Association of Realtors, 345,
346, 362
national committee, 268 An American
political party’s principal organiza-
tion, comprising party representa-
tives from each state.
National Democratic Institute, 636
National Economic Council, 544–45 A
group of economic advisers created
in 1993 to work with the president to
coordinate economic policy.
National Education Association, 609
National Federation of Independent
Business v. Sebelius, 91
National Football League, 171–72, 187
Green Bay Packers in, 94, 98
Philadelphia Eagles in, 405, 408
National Forest Service, 402, 45 7, 470,
National Governors Association, 607
National Guard, 6, 426, 428
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 561
National Independent Automobile
Dealers Association, 347
National Instant Criminal Background
Check System, 131
National Journal magazine, 12, 257
National Labor Relations Act, 577
National Labor Relations Board v. Jones
and Laughlin Steel Corporation,
National Organization for Women
(NOW), 183
National Park Service, 454, 462, 482, 553
National Recovery Administration, 576
National Republican Congressional
Committee, 272, 281, 402
National Republican Senatorial
Committee, 272
National Rifle Association, 130, 342,
343, 346, 358, 365
as centralized group, 347, 348
in opposition to policy change,
366–68, 369
public opinion mobilization efforts
of, 361
National Science Foundation, 553
national security, 6, 75
and civil liberties, 104–5
foreign policy in, 616, 650
National Security Agency, 135–36, 143,
244, 244, 628
National Security Council, 62 7, 628 An
agency within the EOP that advises
the president on matters of foreign
pol ic y.
national supremacy clause, 45, 75, 78, 98
Part of Article VI, Section 2, of
the Constitution stating that the
Constitution and the laws and
treaties of the United States are
the “supreme Law of the Land,”
meaning national laws take prece-
dence over state laws if the two
National Turkey Federation, 346, 368,
368, 369
nation building, 618, 623 The use of a
country’s resources, including the
military, to help nondemocratic
nations transform themselves into
Nation of Islam, 18, 188
Native Americans, 18, 151, 620
affirmative action policies for, 189
civil rights of, 154, 155
presidential appointments of, 186
Nativity displays, 115
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
zation), 621, 623, 630, 641–42
Natural Resources Defense Council,
natural rights, 36, 37 Also known as
“unalienable rights,” these rights
are defined in the Declaration of
Independence as “Life, Liberty,
and the pursuit of Happiness.” The
Founders believed that upholding
these rights should be the govern-
ment’s central purpose.
Nazi marchers, 123, 144
Near v. Minnesota, 113
Nebraska, 139–40, 305
necessary and proper clause, 54, 59, 75
Part of Article I, Section 8, of the
Constitution that grants Congress
the power to pass all laws related to
its expressed powers; also known as
the elastic clause.
Neighborhood Youth Corps, 577
Nelson, Bill, 327
Netflix, 366
net neutrality, 365–66
community standards on obscenity
in, 128
marijuana in, 95
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