The Boston Globe - 11.09.2019

(WallPaper) #1

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 The Boston Globe G9

For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to

For more information on today’s conditions, call the
state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection web site

Eastern Massachusetts air quality

50 100 150 200 300


Allergies Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
Trees Weeds Grass Mold

Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.

Absent Low Moderate N.A.

Small craft advisory
Gale warningStorm warning

●Travel delays possible,CClouds,FFog,HHaze,IIce,PcPartly Cloudy,RRain,ShShowers,SSun,SnSnow,FlFlurries,TThunderstorms,WWindy

Boston’s forecast

Temperatures are
today’s highs
and tonight’s lows.

Mount Washington


Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.

Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp


Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow

Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions

TODAY:Cloudy with showers and thunderstorms likely
across northern areas. Partly sunny, much warmer and
more humid across southern areas.
TOMORROW:Cloudy with morning showers in
the south; otherwise, turning cooler with some
EXTENDED:High pressure will provide
plenty of sunshine on Friday. It will be
cool near the coast. Turning warmer
Saturday with increasing

New England forecast

Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.

High tides
Old Orchard ME 10:2110:32
Beach NH 10:3510:46
Plum Island 10:2910:43
Ipswich 10:2010:31

Gloucester 10:2510:34
Marblehead 10:2510:34
Lynn 10:3310:40
Scituate 10:3310:44
Plymouth 10:3410:46
Cape Cod
Canal East 10:2110:30
Cape Cod
Canal West 9:11
Falmouth 10:0910:18

Hyannis Port 11:3311:33
Chatham 11:3411:41
Wellfleet 10:3910:48
Provincetown 10:3310:41
Harbor 11:3311:36
Oak Bluffs 10:4811:12
New Bedford 6:56 7:20
Newport RI 6:49 7:13

Boston high 10:2510:34
Height 9.0 9.9
Boston low 4:10 4:17
Height 0.7 1.2

Weather Dense fog
Visibility 0 miles
Wind west at 35 m.p.h.
High/low temperature 45/35
Snow depth at 5 p.m. 0.0”

(5 p.m. yesterday)

Yesterday’s high/low 71°/63°
Sunrise 6:19 a.m.
Sunset 7:02 p.m.
Moonrise 6:15 p.m.

Yesterday 0.00”
Precip days in September 4

Month to date 1.47”
Norm. month to date 1.04”

Year to date 35.80”
Norm. year to date 29.66”

(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)

Forecasts and graphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc.©2019

Boston Harbor SW 8-16 kts. 1-2 ft. 84/66
East Cape
Cod Canal SW 10-20 kts. 1-3 ft. 77/65
Buzzards Bay SW 10-20 kts. 1-3 ft. 76/65

Vineyard SW 10-20 kts. 3-5 ft. 75/63
Nantucket SW 10-20 kts. 3-5 ft. 72/64
Provincetown SW 10-20 kts. 3-5 ft. 74/63

Atlanta 94/73 S 96/74 S
Atlantic City 87/71 Pc 85/64 T
Charlotte 93/69 S 95/70 S
Chicago 86/68 Pc 85/70 T
Dallas 94/76 S 95/76 Pc
Denver 83/50 Pc 76/49 S
Detroit 86/68 T 75/66 T
Fort Myers 93/75 Pc 91/76 T

Los Angeles 81/63 Pc 87/65 Pc
Miami 90/80 Pc 89/79 T
New Orleans 93/78 Pc 95/78 Pc
New York City 86/72 Pc 80/62 T
Philadelphia 89/73 Pc 86/65 T
Phoenix 95/78 S 100/78 S
Salt Lake City 68/51 Sh 73/54 S
San Francisco 75/56 Pc 82/57 Pc

Seattle 72/57 Pc 77/60 C
Washington 93/74 Pc 91/70 T
Beijing 76/61 C 78/64 Pc
Cancun 89/78 T 88/77 T
Mexico City 74/55 T 73/54 T
Montreal 77/53 Sh 69/47 S
Toronto 81/58 T 67/57 Pc
Vancouver 69/58 C 66/58 R

Jerusalem 82/65 S 81/65 S
London 72/55 Pc 74/55 C
Moscow 77/52 C 77/55 Pc
Paris 73/60 Pc 76/59 C
Rome 83/59 Pc 84/62 Pc
San Juan 89/78 Pc 90/79 Pc
Stockholm 65/53 Sh 65/51 Pc
Tokyo 87/77 Pc 83/69 Pc



6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

A cloudy start with a
shower or two. Then
clouds may break for a
little afternoon sunshine.
It will be much cooler and slight-
ly less humid.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

High pressure will pro-
vide plenty of sunshine
across the area. It will
be rather cool despite
the sun, especially across the
coastal areas.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Turning warmer again
with clouds, some sun
and a gusty wind. It will
be more humid as well.
Partly cloudy, warm and humid
during the night.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Partly sunny and nice
with a drop in humidity,
but temperatures will
be high across the area.
Partly cloudy and a little more
comfortable at night.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Warmer and more
humid with times of
clouds and sun. A stray
thunderstorm cannot be
ruled out late in the afternoon or
during the evening.




“You’ve written that learning from one’s mistakes is
essential,” one of my club’s seniors said to me.
“Certainly,” I nodded.
“Well,” he sighed, “it would be helpful if I could remem-
ber more of mine.”
My friend had no problem recalling today’s deal. He was
declarer at four spades, and dummy hit with strikingly
good trump support. West led a heart: five, queen, ace.
South then (questionably) led the nine of trumps to finesse,
and East won and returned a trump.
East would win, but West took the queen and led a club,
and East got the queen and ace. Down one.
South needed to set up the diamonds without letting
West get in. South does best to let East win the first heart!
South can win the next heart, pitching a diamond from
dummy, lose the trump finesse and win the trump return.
South can then take the top diamonds and ruff a dia-
mond. He gets to his hand with a trump to discard two
clubs on the good diamonds.

DAILY QUESTIONYou hold:♠Q976♥♥A9♦♦K6532
♣9 5. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one
spade, he bids two diamonds and you raise to three dia-
monds. Partner then bids three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER:Partner suggests six hearts, four diamonds and
extra strength. If he had a minimum with that same pat-
tern, his second bid would often have been two hearts. You
should bid four hearts.



West East
♥♥ ♥♥
♦♦ ♦♦



East dealer — Both sides vulnerable


10 6 4 3 2



East South West North
1 ♥♥ Pass Pass Dbl
2 ♥♥ 2 ♠ 3 ♥♥ 4 ♠
All Pass
Opening lead —♥♥ 2



7856 9 3 142

132 4 7 8 965
6 827 4 5 931
1 7 3 829 6 5 4
4 9 5 3 1 6 8 2 7
42165 7 9 3 8
8 39154 2 7 6
7 3 9 682 1 4 5
day, Sept. 11, 2019:
This year, you open up to opportu-
whelmed by all that lands on your
plate. Making strong choices and
knowing when to say no could be
instrumental to success. If single,
you might be surprised by the per-
son who makes your heart flutter.
Explore, but do not commit unless
you are 100% sure. If you're at-
tached, work on being a team with
your sweetie. Share your options
and possibilities. AQUARIUS
could be too metaphysical for you
to relate to. Approach this sign in-
tellectually and you will under-
stand them.
ARIES(March 21-April 19)
You have a tendency to tell it as it
is. Right now, you find others
highly responsive. Others also
present unusual suggestions. Do
not call an end to a brainstorming
session. Let it die down naturally.
Tonight: Have fun wherever you
TAURUS(April 20-May 20)
Work with someone who always
seems to come up with good sug-
gestions, especially as you might
be trying to amplify your budget.
You also might turn tail and do
the unexpected. Tonight: Count
on a late bedtime!
GEMINI(May 21-June 20)
Keep stretching to come up with
an amicable solution. You might
not even have to do so, as a signifi-
cant party in your life assumes
that role. Watch a problem level
out. Tonight: Live it up.
CANCER(June 21-July 22)
Let others express their ideas and
concerns. Simply listen. You
might bypass a conversation or
two, as you have a lot of energy for
getting certain errands and proj-
ects done. Meanwhile, you get to
clear your to-do list. Tonight: Opt
for togetherness.
LEO(July 23-Aug. 22)
A partner or associate encourages
you to get going and not be dis-
tracted by an individual with
whom you frequently have fun. A
partner is full of information and
wants part of your time. Use your
self-discipline if you need to get
through a lot of to-do's. Tonight:
Be naughty and nice.
VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Focus on getting the job done. You
might be a bit tired of the same is-
sues. You do find the day a little
more upbeat, especially when
dealing with a roommate or fami-
ly member. Try to not make any
significant decisions right now.
Tonight: Squeeze in some down-
LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You might easily hear too much
about a topic. You also wonder
how much of it is gossip. You
could feel as if you've gone over-
board sharing a personal topic.
Use self-discipline, especially
when shopping. You are likely to
choose the top of the line. To-
night: Let loose.
SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Deal with a domestic issue. You al-
so eye an expenditure around real
estate or your home. Do more re-
search and check out what is hap-
pening with a specific potential
investment. Tonight: Enjoy a fa-
vorite dessert.
SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Your words have power, and oth-
ers might not be sure how to han-
dle a problem. You are likely to en-
courage that group to follow you
and your path. Communications
could be overwhelming. You hard-
ly have a second to think. Tonight:
Return a call before deciding.
CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Curb a tendency to jump on a bar-
gain. You will find it is best to
make no decision at present. Fol-
low your instincts; they will guide
you. A private meeting could be
important. Tonight: Do some er-
rands on the way home.
AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Your personality breaks through
another person's resistance. You
know what you want and where
you are going. Your upbeat behav-
ior takes you far and helps you
win over a friend to see a situation
through your eyes. Tonight:
Where your friends are.
PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20)
You continue to sense that there is
a lot going on behind the scenes.
You cannot seem to coax the topic
out. Your best bet is to listen more
and say little. Inevitably, someone
will spill the beans. Tonight: Be
Jacqueline Bigar is at http://www.jac-
(c) 2019 by King Features Syndi-
cate Inc.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
computer program at
6 8
5 7 2 1
1 9
5 6 3 7
9 4
3 956
4 318
4 2

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