BBC Focus

(Marcin) #1
Snakes don’t have claws or powerful
jaws to pin down their prey. If the
venom doesn’t kill quickly enough, the
its death throes.
Snakes are in an evolutionary arms
race with their prey, which are
evolving ever-greater resistance to
snake venom. Snakes have adapted to
cocktail of several hundred different
enzymes and proteins. Some block
nerve transmission, others interfere

How does snake venom kill so quickly?

with the beating rhythm of the heart,
some break down muscle tissue or
cause blood vessels to suddenly
become leaky.
Snakes can control how much venom
t hey inject wit h a single bite a nd
generally use far more than the lethal
dose. The black mamba, for example,
injects up to 12 times the lethal dose
for humans in each bite and may bite as
ma ny as 12 times in a single attack.
This mamba has the fastest-acting
venom of any snake, but humans are
much la rger t ha n its usual prey so it
still takes 20 minutes for you to die. LV

There are plenty of theories for why
people start nail-biting (or what
doctors call ‘onychophagia’),
including perfectionism and stress.
And there’s also the Freudian notion
t hat it’s to do wit h being stuck at t he
oral stage of psychological
development! But as to why nail-
biting is so addictive (20 to 30 per
cent of us do it), t here’s little resea rch.
We ca n speculate t hat it is to do wit h
its cost-free ease, practicality and
relative social acceptability, a nd
there’s the rewarding aspect of
getting each nail just how you want
it. On a positive note, childhood
nail-biters are less prone to allergies,
presumably because they’re exposed
to more germs. CJ

Why is nail-biting so

Can you die

from a



Most nosebleeds involve superficial
bleeding from the capillaries close to the
skin and can be stopped with pressure
and an ice pack. But nosebleeds can also
be caused by a tor n inter nal ca rotid a r ter y
and in that case the bleeding can be fast
enough to be life t h reatening. It’s also
possible for a milder nosebleed to block
your airway and asphyxiate you.
A 47-year-old man from Gravesend, Kent
died this way in 2011. LV

Don’t pick a fight
wth this fella
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