
(Kiana) #1

Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership 411

institutional logics, and the adoption of
CEO-only board structures in U.S. corporate
governance, Academy of Management
Journal, 57: 1834–1858; S. Kaczmarek,
S. Kimino, & A. Pye, 2012, Antecedents of
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committees, Corporate Governance: An
International Review, 20: 474–489.

  1. M. van Essen, P.-J. Engelen, & M. Carney,
    2013, Does ‘good’ corporate governance
    help in a crisis? The impact of country- and
    firm-level governance mechanisms in
    the European financial crisis, Corporate
    Governance: An International Review, 21:
    201–224; M. A. Abebe, A. Angriawan, &
    Y. Lui, 2011, CEO power and organizational
    turnaround in declining firms: Does
    environment play a role? Journal of
    Leadership and Organizational Studies, 18:

  2. C.-H. Liao & A. W.-H. Hsu, 2013, Common
    membership and effective corporate
    governance: Evidence from audit and
    compensation committees, Corporate
    Governance: An International Review, 21:

  3. P. Cullinan, P. B. Roush, & X. Zheng, 2012,
    CEO/Chair duality in the Sarbanes-Oxley
    era; Board independence versus unity
    of command, Research on Professional
    Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting,
    16: 167–183; C. S. Tuggle, D. G. Sirmon,
    C. R. Reutzel, & L. Bierman, 2010,
    Commanding board of director attention:
    Investigating how organizational
    performance and CEO duality affect
    board members’ attention to monitoring,
    Strategic Management Journal, 32: 640–657;
    J. Coles & W. Hesterly, 2000, Independence
    of the chairman and board composition:
    Firm choices and shareholder value,
    Journal of Management, 26: 195–214.

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  5. M. van Essen, P.-J. Engelen, & M. Carney,
    2013, Does “good” corporate governance
    help in a crisis? The impact of country- and
    firm-level governance mechanisms in
    the European financial crisis, Corporate
    Governance: An International Review, 21:

  6. R. Krause & M. Semadeni, 2014, Last dance
    or second chance? Firm performance, CEO
    career horizon, and the separation of board
    leadership roles, Strategic Management
    Journal, 35: 808–825.

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    Strategic Management Journal, 29: 683–700;

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    Difference in degrees: CEO characteristics
    and firm environmental disclosure,
    Strategic Management Journal, 35: 712–722;
    R. A. Johnson, R. E. Hoskisson, & M. A. Hitt,
    1993, Board involvement in restructuring: The
    effect of board versus managerial controls
    and characteristics, Strategic Management
    Journal, 14 (Special Issue): 33–50.

  2. Z. Simsek, 2007, CEO tenure and
    organizational performance: An
    intervening model, Strategic Management
    Journal, 28: 653–662.

  3. M. A. Fitza, 2014, The use of variance
    decomposition in the investigation of CEO
    effects: How large must the CEO effect be
    to rule out chance? Strategic Management
    Journal, 35: 1839–1852; X. Luo, V. K. Kanuri, &
    M. Andrews, 2014, How does CEO tenure
    matter? The mediating role of firm-
    employee and firm-customer relationships,
    Strategic Management Journal, 35: 492–511.

  4. M. Hernandez, 2012, Toward an
    understanding of the psychology of
    stewardship, Academy of Management
    Review, 37: 172–193.

  5. J. W. Ridge & A. Ingram, 2015, Modesty
    in the top management team: Investor
    reaction and performance implications,
    Journal of Management, in press; K. Boyd,
    D. Miller, I. LeBreton-Miller, & B. Scholnick,
    2008, Stewardship vs. stagnation: An
    empirical comparison of small family
    and non-family businesses, Journal of
    Management Studies, 51: 51–78; J. H. Davis,
    F. D. Schoorman, & L. Donaldson,
    1997, Toward a stewardship theory of
    management, Academy of Management
    Review, 22: 20–47.

  6. M. Menz & C. Scheef, 2014, Chief strategy
    officers: Contingency analysis of their
    presence in top management teams,
    Strategic Management Journal, 35: 461–471;
    A. Holehonnur & T. Pollock, 2013, Shoot
    for the stars? Predicting the recruitment
    of prestigious directors at newly public
    firms, Academy of Management Journal,
    56: 1396–1419; B. Espedal, O. Kvitastein, &
    K. Gronhaug, 2012, When cooperation
    is the norm of appropriateness: How
    does CEO cooperative behavior affect
    organizational performance? British Journal
    of Management, 23: 257–271.

  7. X. Zhang, N. Li, J. Ullrich, & R. van Dick,
    2015, Getting everyone on board: The
    effect of differentiated transformational
    leadership by CEOs on top management
    team effectiveness and leader-related
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    P. Guthrie, & Y.-Y Ji, 2014, Turnover at the
    top: Executive team departures and firm
    performance, Organization Science, 25:
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    2015, The selection of an interim CEO:
    Boundary conditions and the pursuit
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    Management, in press; S. D. Graffin,
    S. Boivie, & M. A. Carpenter, 2013,
    Examining CEO succession and the role of
    heuristics in early-stage CEO evaluation,
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    2015, Are disruptive CEO successions
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    Evidence from board turnover, Journal
    of Management, in press; Y. Zhang &
    N. Rajagopalan, 2010, Once an outsider,
    always an outsider? CEO origin, strategic
    change and firm performance, Strategic
    Management Journal, 31: 334–346.
    72. V. Mehrotra, R. Morck, J. Shim, &
    Y. Wiwattanakantang, 2013, Adoptive
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    108: 840–854; G. A. Ballinger & J. J. Marcel,
    2010, The use of an interim CEO during
    succession episodes and firm performance,
    Strategic Management Journal, 31: 262–283.
    73. S. Pandey & S. Rhee, 2015, An inductive
    study of foreign CEOs of Japanese firms,
    Journal of Leadership and Organizational
    Studies, 22: 202–216.
    74. J. A. Krug, P. Wright, & M. J. Kroll, 2014, Top
    management turnover following mergers

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