
(Kiana) #1

Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership 413

  1. J. R. Lecuona & M. Reitzig, 2014, Knowledge
    worth having in ‘excess’: The value of tacit
    and firm-specific human resource slack,
    Strategic Management Journal, 35: 954–973;
    T. R. Holcomb, R. D. Ireland, R. M. Holmes, &
    M. A. Hitt, 2009, Architecture of
    entrepreneurial learning: Exploring the
    link among heuristics, knowledge, and
    action, Entrepreneurship, Theory & Practice,
    33: 173–198.

  2. Y. Zheng, A. S. Miner, & G. George, 2013,
    Does the learning value of individual
    failure experience depend on group-
    level success? Insights from a university
    technology transfer office, Industrial and
    Corporate Change, 22: 1557–1586; R. Hirak,
    A. C. Peng, A. Carmeli, & J. M. Schaubroeck,
    2012, Linking leader inclusiveness to work
    unit performance: The importance of
    psychological safety and learning from
    failure, The Leadership Quarterly, 23: 107–117.

  3. Hitt, Miller, & Colella, Organizational

  4. A. Cook & C. Glass, 2014, Above the glass
    ceiling: When are women and racial/ethnic
    minorities promoted to CEO? Academy of
    Management Journal, 35: 1080–1089.

  5. R. Hoskisson, W. Shi, H. Yi, & J. Jin, 2013,
    The evolution and strategic positioning
    of private equity firms, Academy of
    Management Perspectives, 27: 22–38;
    P. M. Norman, F. C. Butler, & A. L. Ranft, 2013,
    Resources matter: Examining the effects of
    resources on the state of firms following
    downsizing, Journal of Management, 39:
    2009–2038; R. D. Nixon, M. A. Hitt, H. Lee, &
    E. Jeong, 2004, Market reactions to
    corporate announcements of downsizing
    actions and implementation strategies,
    Strategic Management Journal, 25: 1121–1129.

  6. R. J. Bies, 2013, The delivery of bad news
    in organizations: A framework for analysis,
    Journal of Management, 39: 136–162;
    B. C. Holtz, 2013, Trust primacy: A model of
    the reciprocal relations between trust and
    perceived justice, Journal of Management,
    39: 1891–1923.

  7. C. Galunic, G. Krtug, & M. Gargiulo, 2012,
    The positive externalities of social capital:
    Benefiting from senior brokers, Academy
    of Management Journal, 55: 1213–1231;
    P. S. Adler & S. W. Kwon, 2002, Social capital:
    Prospects for a new concept, Academy of
    Management Review, 27: 17–40.

  8. M. Ahearne, S. K. Lam, & F. Krause, 2014,
    Performance impact of middle managers’
    adaptive strategy implementation: The
    role of social capital, Strategic Management
    Journal, 35: 68–87; Y.-Y. Chang, Y. Gong, &
    M. W. Peng, 2012, Expatriate knowledge
    transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity,
    and subsidiary performance, Academy of
    Management Journal, 55: 927–948; S. Gao,
    K. Xu, & J. Yang, 2008, Managerial ties,
    Absorptive capacity & innovation, Asia
    Pacific Journal of Management, 25: 395–412.

  9. K. H. Heimeriks, M. Schijven, & S. Gates,
    2012, Manifestations of higher-order

routines: The underlying mechanisms
of deliberate learning in the context of
postacquisition integration, Academy
of Management Journal, 55: 703–726;
P. Ozcan & K. M. Eisenhardt, 2009, Origin of
alliance portfolios: Entrepreneurs, network
strategies, and firm performance, Academy
of Management Journal, 52: 246–279;
W. H. Hoffmann, 2007, Strategies for
managing a portfolio of alliances, Strategic
Management Journal, 28: 827–856.

  1. A. M. Kleinbaum & T. E. Stuart, 2014, Inside
    the black box of the corporate staff: Social
    networks and the implementation of
    corporate strategy, Strategic Management
    Journal, 35: 24–47.

  2. D. K. Panda, 2014, Managerial networks
    and strategic orientation in SMEs:
    Experience from a transition economy,
    Journal of Strategy and Management, 7:
    376–397; B. J. Hallen & K. M. Eisenhardt,
    2012, Catalyzing strategies and efficient
    tie formation: How entrepreneurial
    firms obtain investment ties, Academy of
    Management Journal, 55: 35–70.

  3. A. Klein, 2011, Corporate culture: Its value
    as a resource for competitive advantage,
    Journal of Business Strategy, 32(2): 21–28;
    J. B. Barney, 1986, Organizational culture:
    Can it be a source of sustained competitive
    advantage? Academy of Management
    Review, 11: 656–665.

  4. B. Schneider, M. G. Ehrhart, & W. H. Macey,
    2013, Organizational climate and culture,
    Annual Review of Psychology, 64: 361–388;
    E. F. Goldman & A. Casey, 2010, Building a
    culture that encourages strategic thinking,
    Journal of Leadership and Organizational
    Studies, 17: 119–128.

  5. C. B. Dobni, M. Klassen, & W. T. Nelson,
    2015, Innovation strategy in the US: Top
    executives offer their views, Journal of
    Business Strategy, 36(1): 3–13; P. G. Klein,
    J. T. Mahoney, A. M. McGahan, &
    C. N. Pitelis, 2013, Capabilities and strategic
    entrepreneurship in public organizations,
    Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 7: 70–91;
    R. D. Ireland, J. G. Covin, & D. F. Kuratko,
    2009, Conceptualizing corporate
    entrepreneurship strategy, Entrepreneurship
    Theory and Practice, 33: 19–46.

  6. M. S. Wood, A. McKelvie, & J. M. Haynie,
    2014, Making it personal: Opportunity
    individuation and the shaping of
    opportunity beliefs, Journal of Business
    Venturing, 29: 252–272; R. D. Ireland
    & J. W. Webb, 2007, Strategic
    entrepreneurship: Creating competitive
    advantage through streams of innovation,
    Business Horizons, 50: 49–59.

  7. P. L. Schultz, A. Marin, & K. B. Boal, 2014, The
    impact of media on the legitimacy of new
    market categories: The case of broadband
    internet, Journal of Business Venturing,
    29: 34–54; S. A. Alvarez & J. B. Barney,
    2008, Opportunities, organizations
    and entrepreneurship, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 171–174.
    113. Y. Tang, J. Li, & H. Yang, 2015, What I see,
    what I do: How executive hubris affects
    firm innovation, Journal of Management,
    in press; R. E. Hoskisson, M. A. Hitt,
    R. D. Ireland, & J. S. Harrison, 2013,
    Competing for Advantage, 3rd ed., Mason,
    OH: Thomson Publishing.
    114. G. Cao, Z. Simsek, & J. J. P. Jansen, 2105,
    CEO social capital and entrepreneurial
    orientation of the firm: Bonding and
    bridging effects, Journal of Management,
    in press; T. W. Tong & S. Li, 2013, The
    assignment of call option rights between
    partners in international joint ventures,
    Strategic Management Journal, 34:
    115. C. Bjornskov & N. Foss, 2013, How
    strategic entrepreneurship and the
    institutional context drive economic
    growth, Strategic Entrepreneurship
    Journal, 7: 50–69; M. A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland,
    D. G. Sirmon, & C. A. Trahms, 2011, Strategic
    entrepreneurship: Creating value for
    individuals, organizations and society,
    Academy of Management Perspectives,
    25: 57–75; P. G. Kein, 2008, Opportunity
    discovery, entrepreneurial action
    and economic organization, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 175–190.
    116. A. Engelen, C. Neumann, & S. Schmidt,
    2015, Should entrepreneurially oriented
    firms have narcissistic CEOs? Journal of
    Management, in press; G. T. Lumpkin &^
    G. G. Dess, 1996, Clarifying the
    entrepreneurial orientation construct and
    linking it to performance, Academy of
    Management Review, 21: 135–172.
    117. Lumpkin & Dess, Clarifying the
    entrepreneurial orientation construct, 142.
    118. Ibid., 137.
    119. C. L. Wang & M. Rafiq, 2014, Ambidextrous
    organizational culture, contextual
    ambidexterity and new product
    innovation: A comparative study of
    UK and Chinese high-tech firms, British
    Journal of Management, 25: 58–76; P. Pyoria,
    2007, Informal organizational culture:
    The foundation of knowledge workers’
    performance, Journal of Knowledge
    Management, 11: 16–30.
    120. C. Kane & J. Cunningham, 2014, Turnaround
    leadership core tensions during the
    company turnaround process, European
    Management Review, 32: 968–980;
    W. Langvardt, 2012, Ethical leadership
    and the dual roles of examples, Business
    Horizons, 55: 373–384.
    121. M. N. Kastanakis & B. G. Voyer, 2014, The
    effect of culture on perception and
    cognition: A conceptual framework,
    Journal of Business Research, 67: 425–433;
    J. Kotter, 2011, Corporate culture: Whose
    job is it? Forbes, http://blog.forbes.com/
    johnkotter, February 17.
    122. M. I. Garces & P. Morcillo, 2012, The role
    of organizational culture in the resource-
    based view: An empirical study of the
    Spanish nuclear industry, International

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