
(Jacob Rumans) #1
280 Some Elementary Statistical Inferences

Consider, first, the one-sided hypothesesH 0 :μ=μ 0 versusH 1 :μ>μ 0 ,whereμ 0
is specified. Write the rejection rule as

RejectH 0 in favor ofH 1 ,ifX≥k, (4.6.11)

whereXis the sample mean. Previously we have specified a level and then solved
fork. In practice, though, the level is not specified. Instead, once the sample
is observed, the realized valuexofXis computed and we ask the question: Isx
sufficiently large to rejectH 0 in favor ofH 1? To answer this we calculate thep-value
which is the probability,
p-value =PH 0 (X≥x). (4.6.12)

Note that this is a data-based “significance level” and we call it the observed
significance levelor thep-value. The hypothesisH 0 is rejected at all levels greater
than or equal to thep-value. For example, if thep-value is 0.048, and the nominal
αlevel is 0.05 thenH 0 would be rejected; however, if the nominalαlevel is 0.01,
thenH 0 would not be rejected. In summary, the experimenter sets the hypotheses;
the statistician selects the test statistic and rejection rule; the data are observed
and the statistician reports thep-value to the experimenter; and the experimenter
decides whether thep-value is sufficiently small to warrant rejection ofH 0 in favor
ofH 1. The following example provides a numerical illustration.
Example 4.6.5.Recall the Darwin data discussed in Example 4.5.5. It was a
paired design on the heights of cross and self-fertilizedZea maysplants. In each of
15 pots, one cross-fertilized and one self-fertilized were grown. The data of interest
are the 15 paired differences, (cross−self). As in Example 4.5.5, letXidenote the
paired difference for theith pot. Letμbe the true mean difference. The hypotheses
of interest areH 0 :μ=0versusH 1 :μ>0. The standardized rejection rule is

RejectH 0 in favor ofH 1 ifT≥k,

whereT =X/(S/

15), whereXandSare respectively the sample mean and
standard deviation of the differences. The alternative hypothesis states that on the
average cross-fertilized plants are taller than self-fertilized plants. From Example
4.5.5 thet-test statistic has the value 2.15. Lettingt(14) denote a random variable
with thet-distribution with 14 degrees of freedom, and using R thep-value for the
experiment is

P[t(14)> 2 .15] = 1−pt(2.15,14) = 1− 0 .9752 = 0. 0248. (4.6.13)

In practice, with thisp-value,H 0 would be rejected at all levels greater than or
equal to 0.0248. This observed significance level is also part of the output from the

Returning to the discussion above, suppose the hypotheses areH 0 :μ=μ 0
versusH 1 : μ<μ 0. Obviously, the observed significance level in this case is
p-value =PH 0 (X≤x).For the two-sided hypothesesH 0 :μ=μ 0 versusH 1 :μ =
μ 0 , our “unspecified” rejection rule is

RejectH 0 in favor ofH 1 ,ifX≤lorX≥k. (4.6.14)
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