
(Jacob Rumans) #1
286 Some Elementary Statistical Inferences

ofQ 3 =

∑ 4
1 (Xi−npi^0 )

(^2) /(np
i 0 )is

  • (18−15)^2

  • (20−25)^2

  • (36−35)^2

    =1. 83.
    The following R segment calculates the test andp-value:
    x=c(6,18,20,36); ps=c(1,3,5,7)/16; chisq.test(x,p=ps)
    X-squared = 1.8286, df = 3, p-value = 0.6087
    Hence, we fail to rejectH 0 at level 0.0250.
    Thus far we have used the chi-square test when the hypothesisH 0 is a simple
    hypothesis. More often we encounter hypothesesH 0 in which the multinomial prob-
    abilitiesp 1 ,p 2 ,...,pkare not completely specified by the hypothesisH 0 .Thatis,
    underH 0 , these probabilities are functions of unknown parameters. For an illustra-
    tion, suppose that a certain random variableYcan take on any real value. Let us
    partition the space{y:−∞<y<∞}intokmutually disjoint setsA 1 ,A 2 ,...,Ak
    so that the eventsA 1 ,A 2 ,...,Akare mutually exclusive and exhaustive. LetH 0 be
    the hypothesis thatY isN(μ, σ^2 )withμandσ^2 unspecified. Then each


    2 πσ
    exp[−(y−μ)^2 / 2 σ^2 ]dy, i=1, 2 ,...,k,
    is a function of the unknown parametersμandσ^2. Suppose that we take a random
    sampleY 1 ,...,Ynof sizenfrom this distribution. If we letXidenote the frequency
    ofAi,i=1, 2 ,...,k,sothatX 1 +X 2 +···+Xk=n, the random variable
    Qk− 1 =
    cannot be computed onceX 1 ,...,Xkhave been observed, since eachpi, and hence
    Qk− 1 , is a function ofμandσ^2. Accordingly, choose the values ofμandσ^2 that
    minimizeQk− 1. These values depend upon the observedX 1 =x 1 ,...,Xk=xkand
    are calledminimum chi-square estimatesofμandσ^2. These point estimates of
    μandσ^2 enable us to compute numerically the estimates of eachpi. Accordingly,
    if these values are used, Qk− 1 can be computed onceY 1 ,Y 2 ,...,Yn, and hence
    X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xk, are observed. However, a very important aspect of the fact, which
    we accept without proof, is that nowQk− 1 is approximatelyχ^2 (k−3). That is, the
    number of degrees of freedom of the approximate chi-square distribution ofQk− 1 is
    reduced by one for each parameter estimated by the observed data. This statement
    applies not only to the problem at hand but also to more general situations. Two
    examples are now be given. The first of these examples deals with the test of the
    hypothesis that two multinomial distributions are the same.
    Remark 4.7.1.In many cases, such as that involving the meanμand the variance
    σ^2 of a normal distribution, minimum chi-square estimates are difficult to com-
    pute. Other estimates, such as the maximum likelihood estimates of Example 4.1.3,
    μˆ=Y andσˆ^2 =(n−1)S^2 /n, are used to evaluatepiandQk− 1. In general,Qk− 1
    is not minimized by maximum likelihood estimates, and thus its computed value

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