
(Jacob Rumans) #1
736 Index

ex6111.rda, 360
ex763data.rda, 445
examp1053.rda, 615
exercise8316.rda, 499
fastcars.rda, 528
genexpd.rda, 402
lengthriver.rda, 585
lifetimemotor.rda, 235
mix668.rda, 411
normal50.rda, 395
olym1500mara.rda, 545, 633
punter.rda, 630
quailldl.rda, 521
regr1.rda, 548
scotteyehair.rda, 231, 288
sec951.rda, 539
sec95set2.rda, 539
sect76data.rda, 444
selfrival.rda, 281
shoshoni.rda, 574
speedlight.rda, 238
sulfurdio.rda, 229
telephone.rda, 548, 627
tempbygender.rda, 497
waterwheel.rda, 600
Salk polio vaccine, 244
self and rival times, 281
Shoshoni rectangles, 574
squeaky hip replacement, 228, 241
telephone, 548, 627
two-sample generated, 615
two-sample, variances, 500
water wheel, 600, 605
Davison, A. C., 304, 306
Decision function, 414
Decision rule, 268, 414
Degenerate distribution, 76
Delta (Δ) method, 335, 346
n-variate, 353
arcsin approximation to binomial, 346
square-root transformation to Pois-
son, 348
theorem, 335
DeMorgans laws, 6
Density estimation, 233
Devore, J.L., 519
Dirichlet distribution, 182, 665
Discordant pairs, 632
Disjoint events, 5
Disjoint union, 5, 12
Dispersion of a distribution, 52
Distribution, 47, 259
F-distribution, 213
noncentral, 524
logF-family, 467

t-distribution, 211
Bernoulli, 155
beta, 181
binomial, 156
bivariate normal, 198
Burr, 222
Cauchy, 60, 67, 73
chi-square, 178
noncentral, 523
contaminated normal, 194
contaminated point-mass, 641
convergence, 327
degenerate, 76
Dirchlet, 182
Dirichlet, 665
distribution of kth order statistic,
double exponential, 106
extreme-valued, 301
geometric distribution, 160
Gompertz, 186
hypergeometric, 47, 162
joint distribution of (j, k)th order statis-
tic, 256
Laplace, 77, 106, 260
loggamma, 219
logistic, 217, 262, 358
marginal, 90
marginal pdf, 91
mixture distribution, 218
multinomial distribution, 160
multivariate normal, 201
negative binomial, 678
negative binomial distribution, 159
noncentralt, 492
normal, 188
of a random variable, 37
order statistics, joint, 254
Pareto, 222
point-mass, 641
Poisson, 168
predictive, 666
Rayleigh, 186
shifted exponential, 327
skewed contaminated normal, 494
skewed normals, 197
standard normal, 187
Studentized range, 527
trinomial, 161
truncated normal, 195
uniform, 50
Waring, 224
Weibull, 185
Distribution free, 261
Distribution free test, 573
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