LANGUAGE SPECIAL 11/2019 Spotlight 21
Is your English
on point?
Die englische Sprache bietet jede Menge Raum für Kreativität und die
Flut an neuen Wortschöpfungen bricht nicht ab. Halten Sie mit der stetigen
Entwicklung der Sprache noch Schritt? Dieses Quiz von VANESSA CLARK
hilft Ihnen, es herauszufinden. Illustrationen von KATHARINA BOURJAU
ow well do you know
the new words and
phrases that have
popped up over the
past few years? What
do these new words tell us about our-
selves and the changes in our society? Try
our fun quiz and find out!
Creative-language quiz
Match the comments (A– O) with suita-
ble responses (1–15).
A. Millennials are such snow-
flakes, aren’t they?
B. I think it looks silly when white
people wear their hair in dread-
C. The speaker for our conference
has been no -platformed.
D. I find the alt right quite frighten-
E. What did the president say about
the anti-government protests?
F. Where does the energy come
from to power your electric car?
Unicorn farts?
G. Oh, dear! I have a sunburned
nose and blisters on my feet from
standing around too long at a
Buckingham Palace garden party.
H. We’re friends with benefits.
I. He was helpfully telling me all
the reasons why women earn less
than men.
J. We binge-watched The Crown
last night.
K. My boyfriend and my brother
have a bromance going on.
L. I love your coatigan!
M. It’s great to see plus-size models
in magazines, isn’t it?
N. I’ve signed up for a boot camp.
O. I’ve started using a fertility
tracker app.
- Can you control how the femtech
companies are using your data? - Good point! We need renewable,
sustainable energy, not magic. - He just said it was fake news —
obviously! - I know. They’re always hanging out
together. - I’m not surprised. She always ex-
presses very provocative opinions. - Oh, dear! Classic mansplaining!
- Oh, I see. So it’s just casual sex, not an
actual relationship? - Really? You’ll be super fit by the end
of it. - Thank you! Yes, it’s just right for the
autumn weather. - Yes, their nationalist and white-
supremacist opinions are danger-
ous. - Totally! It’s more body positive.
- True! They’re so fragile and sensitive.
Poor little things! - Wow! What a humblebrag!
- Yes, and it’s a sort of cultural appro-
priation, isn’t it? - You must love that show to watch
six episodes in one evening.
Now turn the page to check your answers
— and to find out more about these new
words and expressions.
benefits [(benIfIts]
, Vorzüge
blister [(blIstE]
, Blase
fart [fA:t] ifml.
, Furz
fertility [f§:(tIlEti]
, Fruchtbarkeits-
on point [Qn (pOint] ifml.
, hervorragend; hier
auch: auf dem neuesten
pop up [(pQp Vp]
, auftauchen
sensitive [(sensEtIv]
, empfindlich, sensibel
, nachhaltig
unicorn [(ju:nIkO:n]
, Einhorn
white supremacist
[)waIt su(premEsIst]
, hier: rechtsextrem