D4| Saturday/Sunday, September 7 - 8, 2019 ** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.**
borhoods, restaurants or bars
I scout out on an early run.
On that first morning, my
running guide, Jay Sapphire
(an Australian resident of
Siem Reap) and I skirted the
main road that encircles the
complex’s most famous tem-
ple and crossed a moat on an
ancient bridge flanked by
stone carvings. We passed
through the southern gateway
to Angkor Thom, a neighbor-
ing and much larger temple
complex. Then Jay led me off-
road on dirt paths, passing
tiny temples, enormous old
trees and small villages just
waking to the steamy dawn.
We watched the orb of the
sun starting to peek through
the trees, and came upon a
completely deserted temple,
Prasat Bat Chum, buried deep
in the countryside. We had
the place all to ourselves, just
as visitors did a couple of de-
cades—or centuries—ago.
The next morning, very
early, Jay and I set off on a
sleepy, bumpy car ride for our
most ambitious leg of this
running tour: a long run
through a vast temple com-
plex called Koh Ker seldom
visited by tourists. When we
arrived, three hours later, just
after sunrise, we started run-
ning right away, following a
looping dirt road built to con-
nect about a dozen of the 96
temples on this site. The capi-
tal of the Khmer empire from
928 to 944 AD, the site pre-
dates Angkor Wat by about
200 years. Because this place
is so far from the tourist hub
of Siem Reap, it receives few
visitors. For the first 8 miles
of our 10-mile run we see no
one but a few temple sweep-
ers. Some of Koh Ker’s tem-
A Run
For It
A restless wanderer
jogs his way around
Southeast Asia’s
temples, stopping
for snacks and
skirting wild boar
prized tourist
destination, re-
ceives over 2.5
million visitors a year. Some-
times, at dawn, it can feel like
a million of them are right
there next to you, disembark-
ing from tour buses, jostling
for photo ops, feeding the
cheeky monkeys who inhabit
the ruins, and acknowledging
the beauty of the sunrise in
one of many foreign languages
constantly spoken here. It’s
the kind of mass tourism that
makes me want to run away
fast. On this Angkor Wat
dawn, though, my escape is
not just metaphorical. I’m lit-
erally jogging away from
these visitors, guided by my
own running coach. We’re on
a program devised by the
Anantara Angkor Resort, lo-
cated in the adjacent town of
Siem Reap, which offers
guests running tours of the
temples. These morning tours
are offered for solo runners or
small groups, and the hotel
provides a driver and vehicle
to follow us, a range of drinks
and snacks, and a running
coach, for $100 per person.
This is the beginning of my
trip through Southeast Asia,
the place where, 20 years ago,
while living in Singapore, I
learned to love running, be-
fore moving back home to
New York. Each day of the ad-
venture started much like
this, with a 6- to 10-mile run
that, for me, doubles as exer-
cise and an opportunity for
on-foot exploration. When I
travel, I need a way to see
places for myself, away from
the tourist mobs and the
well-trodden paths, discover-
ing hidden pockets of the city
or the countryside, stopping
for street food I discover
along the way. Running lets
me be a flâneur but cover a
lot more ground than if I
were strolling. These morning
runs are also reconnaissance
missions—I will often return,
later that day, to the neigh-
ples blend right into the trees
of the jungle. Branches sprout
out of stone, become one with
the edifice, coalescing into a
blend of beauty and decay.
As the sun rose high in the
sky, we stopped to refuel, sip-
ping chilled coconut water
and wiping our brows with
ice-cold hand towels, all part
of the Anantara program’s ef-
fort to make what could oth-
erwise be unbearable—a long
run through the high heat
and humidity—luxurious. To-
ward the end of the run we
reached the towering Koh Ker
temple, the most striking in
the complex, which looks al-
most Mayan in style. We as-
cended more than 100 feet,
climbing a wooden scaffold-
ing that encircled the ruin,
passing two orange-clad Thai
monks on the way. When we
finally stepped up onto the
giant stone slabs at the top,
the sweep of this complex
and the full extent of our
morning run were revealed.
Dense jungle cloaked the
brown stones of dozens of
nearby temples, and sur-
rounding them, vast ocher
plains and hazy mountains
disappearing into the horizon.
After Cambodia, I headed
to Penang, an island off the
coast of Malaysia. In George
Town, the island’s capital, I
kept up the morning runs
even without a guide. The
heat was so punishing that I
set out in total darkness, long
before sunrise. Even that
early, many of the city’s food
markets and most of its
Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist and
Muslim places of worship
were open. The kopitiams
(coffee shops) clustered
around these sites had also
already come to life, supplying
sleepy worshipers with their
most important nonspiritual
need: iced coffee, typically
served with generous spoon-
fuls of condensed milk. Near
the center of town, where a
cluster of whitewashed British
colonial buildings still stands,
joggers ran laps around the
Esplanade, once a British mili-
tary parade ground. I joined
them for a loop, then headed
off in search of more city life. I
soon spotted a line of people
assembled before a metal ta-
ble covered in bright green
packets, and decided to join
them. As I worked my way to-
ward the front, I learned what
we all had been waiting to
buy: nasi lemak, Malaysia’s
traditional breakfast. Banana
leaves shaped into a pyramid
contain coconut rice, spicy
sambal, tiny fried anchovies
and a few peanuts, topped
with fish or chicken and egg. I
purchased a freshly made
bundle then sat down to eat it
to fortify myself for the rest of
the run.
When I lived in Singapore
my apartment was next to
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
A track runs through the re-
serve, up and down its steep
hills, across its grassy fields,
alongside its quarry, and into
jungle so dense that it was
shaded enough to run in, even
in extreme heat. At the end of
my trip, I went back there for
a last run in Southeast Asia
before I flew home. Entering
the reserve, I came across the
small monkeys that dwell in
the park. About 20 minutes
into the run, I heard what
sounded like a massive crea-
ture crashing through the un-
derbrush and saw another
one follow. They were wild
boar. Despite the unexpected
beasts, the trail, cut through
fast-growing jungle, was im-
maculately maintained. As I
rounded a corner and ap-
proached a trail map, I saw a
signature Singaporean touch:
A sign warning that joggers
faced up to a 2,000 Singapore
dollars (about US$1,440) fine
if they were caught running
on what was now, apparently,
a bike-only trail. I looked both
ways and didn’t see any park
rangers or cyclists, so I con-
tinued on the trail to com-
plete my loop. A run like this
was worth the very Singapor-
ean danger of a huge fine.
We ran past small
villages just waking
to the steamy dawn.
JOINT VENTURE Jay Sapphire, a running guide at Anantara Angkor Resort, and a colleague at Angkor Wat’s Bayon Temple.
DASH AND DINE Kapitan Keling Mosque in George Town, the capital of Penang. The local
chapters of the Hash House Harriers social club follow runs with drinks and often meals.
Cambodia’s Anan-
tara Angkor Re-
sort, located close
to Angkor Wat, of-
fers Angkor Temple
10k and 21k. The
excursions ($100
per person) include
a running trainer/
guide, ice-cold tow-
els, drinks, snacks
and a support tuk-
tuk (an open-air
vehicle). Anantara
also arranges run-
ning tours of the
temple complex of
hour drive from the
resort for about
$170 per person.
Room rates from
about $200 a
night, anan-
tara.com. Go! Run-
ning Tours pairs
travelers (one to 5
people) with local
running guides
around the world.
In Southeast Asia
they cover Bangkok
and Singapore (and
soon Hanoi), with
runs ranging from
6k to 21k, on
themes like street
art and street food.
From about $35
per person, gorun-
In Penang, intrepid
travelers can run
with a local chap-
terofthe Hash
House Harriers, a
“Drinking Club with
a Running Prob-
lem” founded by
Brits in 1938. Post-
run drinks, and of-
fered. Guest
runners are usually
welcome. From
about $5 per per-
son, malaysian-
Ground Support
Running tours and organizations in Southeast Asia offer pampering, coaching
or simply a convivial group of other exercise nuts
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