was frequently photo-
graphed snoozing during Af-
rican summit meetings —
clinging to power, though
barely able to stay awake.
His tenure came to be de-
tody. He retired in 2017
rather than face the humili-
ation of impeachment. He
died at 95.
When Mugabe took over
as Zimbabwean president in
1980, there were wild celebra-
tions for the hero of the liber-
ation war against Britain.
After a catastrophic econo-
mic collapse sparked by the
seizure of white-owned
farms, international sanc-
tions and a series of fraudu-
lent elections, Mugabe was
still in there. But other than
in the few Mugabe
strongholds, it was difficult
to find a Zimbabwean with a
good word to say for him.
Educated and polished,
fond of Savile Row suits and
with a string of degrees, the
rural cattle-herding boy
turned English gentleman
also impressed Western
leaders and journalists
when he came to power. If a
little cold, he was seen as the
brightest hope of the African
liberation movement and a
vast improvement on his
predecessor, the white su-
premacist Ian Smith.
After the first quarter-
century of Mugabe’s tyran-
ny, many Zimbabweans
looked back on Smith’s era
with nostalgia, while racists,
white farmers, black union
officials and priests found
themselves on the same
side, opposing him.
Millions fled into exile, as
much to escape the econo-
mic hopelessness as the re-
gime’s repression.
In his final years Mugabe
fined by a question: How did
this intelligent, promising
leader turn out to be such an
embittered, ruthless leader?
There were many pop-
psychology theories: Was it
the family background with
a father who deserted him,
refusing to even pay school
fees, and his strict, remote
and pious Roman Catholic
mother? Or was it the death
of his first wife, Sally, seen by
many as a gentle moderat-
ing influence? Some sug-
gested it was jealousy of the
region’s bright star, Nelson
Mandela, the globally
adored South African leader
who, like Mugabe, embraced
violence in the liberation
struggle but who came to be
a peacemaker.
But others like Martin
Meredith, author of “Our
Votes, Our Guns: Robert
Mugabe and the Tragedy of
Zimbabwe,” argue Mugabe
was always a tyrant, from
the beginning of the libera-
tion struggle. In Mozam-
bique, where he and other
liberation fighters fled into
exile, he was ruthless with ri-
vals and dissenters alike.
The defining quality of
his leadership was his re-
sponse to political threat.
He struck hard, using vi-
olence and fear to crush op-
ponents. People in the ruling
ZANU-PF party who op-
posed his drive for one-party
rule in the 1990s had mysteri-
ous car “accidents.”
As liberation movements
mushroomed across Africa
during the Cold War, when
America and the Soviet
Union divided up the conti-
nent and fought proxy wars
on foreign soil, South Afri-
ca’s African National Con-
gress drew its Marxist inspi-
ration from Moscow. But
Mugabe turned to China and
North Korea, which trained
his notorious Fifth Brigade.
The list of abuses is not
short. The motive, almost
invariably, involved consoli-
dating power or crushing
There was Gukurahundi
— Shona for “the early rain
that washes away the chaff
before the spring rains” — a
1980s rampage by the Fifth
Brigade that left thousands
dead in Matabeleland, in
southern Zimbabwe.
In 2000, rural farm work-
ers and white farmers were
attacked and had their land
confiscated after Britain
went back on a promise to
compensate white farmers
so that land could be trans-
ferred to blacks. There was
another side to it, analysts
argued: Mugabe perceived
white farmers as the enemy,
because they had sided with
the opposition, and was de-
termined to crush them.
There was Operation
Murambatsvina (“clean out
the filth”) in 2005: About
700,000 shack dwellers in op-
position strongholds were
forced from their homes by
the army. Their houses were
razed, and they were or-
dered into the countryside.
Thousands suffering from
HIV/AIDS died in rural
areas or the outskirts of
towns with no access to doc-
tors or treatment. Others
never recovered financially.
In 2007, facing election
defeat, Mugabe unleashed
another campaign, setting
up military base camps
across the country, kidnap-
ping and beating and killing
opposition supporters.
Robert Gabriel Mugabe
was born Feb. 21, 1924, in a ru-
ral village in what was then
Southern Rhodesia. He was
a loner and a bookworm who
shunned other children. He
was educated at a Catholic
mission, and the priest, Fa-
ther Jerome O’Hea, was con-
vinced he was leadership
material. His mother, Bona,
had high expectations.
Mugabe traveled to
Ghana and met teacher
Sally Hayfron in 1960, marry-
ing her in 1961. The descrip-
tions of his domestic life by
Sally’s niece Patricia Bekele
contained in Heidi Holland’s
book “Dinner With Mugabe”
suggest a blissful time. In the
early 1980s he would come
home to Zimbabwe’s State
House calling for Sally. He’d
sit in the garden with her,
reading Graham Greene
and occasionally kissing her.
They spent their early
years of marriage apart. In
1964, he was jailed for 10 years
as a liberation leader. His
first son was named
Nhamodzenyika, which
means “suffering country,”
and died in 1966 in Ghana
with Sally while Mugabe was
in prison. He was not al-
lowed to go to the funeral.
In 1975, Mugabe fled into
exile in Mozambique, where
he led ZANU-PF in its bush
war against Smith’s white-
minority government.
Mugabe was at the center
of talks in Britain that ended
the bush war and set the
scene for Zimbabwe’s elec-
tions in 1980. Under the deal,
Mugabe promised reconcili-
ation with Rhodesian
whites, offering them 20% of
seats in parliament for the
first 10 years. He believed he
had a binding verbal prom-
ise that Britain would help
pay the cost of compensa-
tion to white farmers, who
were to be removed on a
“willing buyer, willing seller”
basis, a deal the British re-
pudiated in 1997.
Dumiso Dabengwa, a
senior ZANU-PF official
who left the party in 2008
and died in 2019, said earlier
that the West ignored the vi-
olence and beatings Mugabe
unleashed in the first elec-
tions — particularly in Mata-
beleland, where people were
loyal to the rival liberation
movement, ZAPU.
The violence went unre-
ported in the Western media
— like the Matabeleland
massacres that followed. Ac-
cording to witnesses, vil-
lagers were locked in huts
and burned alive. Men were
seized, tortured and killed.
Estimates of the dead range
from 2,000 to 20,000.
Mugabe made a peace
deal in 1988 with the ZAPU
leader, Joshua Nkomo, but
in reality ZANU simply gob-
bled up ZAPU.
In 1992, Sally died of kid-
ney disease, and in 1996 Mu-
gabe married his secretary:
Grace Marufu, 30 years his
junior, disliked in Zimbabwe
for her taste in Italian shoes
and lavish shopping sprees
Mugabe held no fewer
than seven degrees, but he
was a Marxist ideologue,
with little comprehension of
the impact of land reform
and cash grants to war vet-
Under pressure from the
World Bank and Interna-
tional Monetary Fund, he in-
troduced painful economic
reforms in the 1990s, causing
job losses and inflaming dis-
sent. Coupled with years of
severe drought, Mugabe
faced unemployment, pov-
erty and serious opposition.
Veterans, who had been
promised land in return for
their independence war ef-
fort, grew restless and de-
manding. In 1997, he agreed
to pay 50,000 Zimbabwean
dollars to each of the 45,
unemployed war veterans
(enough to buy a house or
business) and a monthly
pension of 2,000 Zimba-
bwean dollars. The dollar
crashed overnight and the
economy was crippled.
Feeling betrayed by Brit-
ain after the repudiation of
the deal to pay compensa-
tion to white farmers, he in-
vited war veterans to take
farms. Thousands of white
farms were seized by war
veterans without compen-
sation, white farm families
were terrorized and some
300,000 black farm workers
were left jobless. Many were
beaten, raped or killed.
Later, the farms were tak-
en from veterans by ruling-
party stalwarts, including
generals, judges, intelli-
gence chiefs and members of
Mugabe’s family.
The tobacco industry,
one of the main earners of
foreign exchange, shrank
quickly as farms were seized
and production plummeted.
In 2013, Mugabe won re-
election in a ballot tainted by
widespread allegations of
voter fraud. His frequent
trips abroad for medical
care stirred controversy.
By 2017, he had become so
unpopular that the military
staged a coup and took Mu-
gabe and his wife — who had
her eyes on succeeding her
frail husband — into cus-
tody. Within days, impeach-
ment proceedings began
and Mugabe, realizing he
now had little room to ma-
neuver, resigned. He was
granted immunity and,
again at government ex-
pense, was provided a five-
bedroom house and a staff
that included cooks, secre-
taries and armed guards,
though he spent much of his
final years hospitalized.
Mugabe is survived by his
wife, Grace, and three chil-
dren, Bona, Robert and Bel-
larmine Chatunga.
Special correspondent
Krista Mahr in
Johannesburg contributed
to this report.
ROBERT MUGABE, 1924 - 2019
Zimbabwe president turned world pariah
Alexander JoeAFP/Getty Images
Robert Mugabe, center, clung to power even after an economic catastrophe sparked by the seizure of white-
owned farms, international sanctions and a series of fraudulent elections. He agreed to step down in 2017.
[Mugabe,from A1]
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South Africa — Passionate
tributes and unapologetic
condemnations rocketed
across Africa on Friday after
the Zimbabwean govern-
ment confirmed that 95-
year-old strongman Robert
Mugabe had died, a testa-
ment to the complex foot-
print of one of Africa’s long-
est-serving leaders.
Mugabe, who governed
Zimbabwe from its inde-
pendence from Britain in
1980 until 2017, was affection-
ately known as “Uncle Bob”
by supporters who saw him
as a hero and one of the con-
tinent’s great freedom fight-
ers who liberated millions
from British rule.
But to others he was a ty-
rant and oppressor who lost
his democratic credentials
as he clung to power while
overseeing unchecked hu-
man rights abuses and en-
acting disastrous policies
that drove the country’s
economy into the ground.
Emmerson Mnangagwa,
who stepped in as Zimba-
bwe’s president after Muga-
be was forced from office in
November 2017, hailed his
longtime colleague and ally
as “an icon of liberation, a
pan-Africanist who dedi-
cated his life to the emanci-
pation and empowerment of
his people.”
That sentiment was ech-
oed by other African leaders.
South African President
Cyril Ramaphosa called Mu-
gabe an “outstanding” and
“gallant” leader in the Afri-
can independence move-
ment who came to South Af-
rica’s aid during its own free-
dom struggle. Kenyan Presi-
dent Uhuru Kenyatta
praised Mugabe as “a man of
courage who was never
afraid to fight for what he be-
lieved in even when it was
not popular.”
But many Zimbabweans
expressed a deep sense of
conflict over his passing, rec-
ognizing his contribution to
ending white rule but unwill-
ing to gloss over the devas-
tating and lasting impact
that his decades in power
had on millions of people.
Though it has been two
years since Mugabe left of-
fice, unemployment re-
mains rampant and millions
have been forced to find
work overseas. Those who
have stayed face unreliable
public services and regular
shortages of basics such as
fuel and food.
On Friday, many pointed
out on social media that as
his health declined, Mugabe
had sought medical treat-
ment in the well-appointed
hospitals of Singapore,
where he died, an indict-
ment of the broken health
system he left behind in his
The political culture that
he cultivated will be difficult
to dislodge, critics argued.
David Coltart, a member
of Zimbabwe’s opposition
alliance, acknowledged
there were positive impacts
of Mugabe’s presidency,
such as the country’s endur-
ing education system.
But, he wrote on Twitter,
“the negative aspects of his
legacy — violence, disre-
spect for the rule of law, cor-
ruption and abuse of power
— live on in the new regime
which overthrew him.”
Nelson Chamisa, the
leader of the Movement for
Democratic Change who
challenged Mnangagwa in
the 2018 polls, extended his
condolences to Mugabe’s
family but also said on social
media that his party “and
the Zimbabwean people had
great political differences
with the late former Presi-
dent during his tenure in of-
fice, and disagreed for dec-
“It is reality that the
death of Mugabe brings
mixed feelings to different
sections of the Zimbabwe
community, the nation, and
the world as a whole,” said
Bongani Mazwi Mkwananzi,
a representative of the Zim-
babwe Community South
Africa, where more than a
million Zimbabweans live.
“Some will celebrate his
death, and some will
Mahr is a special
Nation struggles with his legacy
Mugabe was an early
liberator, but also a
ruthless oppressor.
By Krista Mahr