Reader\'s Digest Canada - 10.2019

(Nandana) #1





Why Heart Rehab
Can Benefit Cancer

Your heart may not be
on the top of your mind
if you’ve been dealing
with cancer, but certain
oncological treatments
(e.g. radiation, chemo-
therapy) can be rough
on it. This is part of why
cancer survivors have
an increased risk of
dying from cardio-
vascular causes. A new
kind of program called
rehabilitation aims to
improve post-cancer
heart health and quality
of life. Depending on
your needs, it can
include exercise, nutri-
tional advice, psycho-
logical counselling,
blood-pressure man-
agement or help with
weight loss/gain,
among other compon-
ents. It isn’t yet widely
accessible, but it’s
worth inquiring about,
as is cancer rehab
(which might focus less
on the cardiovascular
system but still aid your
overall recovery).

Why Seniors Need
a Sense of Control

“In the past 24 hours, I
spent my time doing
what I wanted.” In a
recent study about the
psychology of aging, on
days when older adults
agreed more with state-
ments like this one,
they also tended to feel
more youthful. This
matters because in
seniors, feeling younger
“is associated with
long er life expectancies,
increased interest in
sexual activity and
flourishing mental
health,” says lead
author Jennifer Belling-
tier of Friedrich Schiller
University Jena, in Ger-
many. What’s more,
adds co-author She-
vaun D. Neupert of
North Carolina State
University, a stronger
sense of control over
one’s daily life has itself
been linked to “better
physical health, emo-
tional well-being and
cognitive functioning.”

Air Pollution and
the International

Planning on visiting
family or seeing the
sights abroad? In a
study of globe-trotting
New Yorkers, even short
stays in locations with
highly polluted air, such
as New Delhi, India, or
Xi’an, China, led to
respiratory symptoms
(e.g. coughing) and
poorer lung function.
The travellers all
bounced back to nor-
mal eventually, but they
were also all young and
healthy. If you’re elderly
or living with breathing
problems, consider
consulting a doctor
before your trip. You
might want to wear a
mask or avoid the times
of the year when the
local air is at its worst. 29
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