Appearance and Clothing 50
Ethical/Personal Conduct 50
Organization and Use of Time 51
Willingness to Help/Volunteer 51
Work Outputs and Productivity Goals 53
Goals in this section can be used with any employees; they per-
tain to maintaining and improving productivity for the individ-
ual employee, for colleagues, and for the work unit.
Own Work 53
Contributing to Work of Others 53
Contributing to Overall Productivity 54
Personal and Skill Development Goals 56
Goals in this section can be used with any employee; they relate
to the employee improving his or her ability to contribute to the
organization through acquiring skills, whether to remedy weak
areas as revealed through performance appraisals or to grow in
areas that would increase chances of promotion.
Assessment 56
Formal Learning 56
Informal Learning 57
Communication Goals 59
Goals in this section can be used with any employee; they relate
to the processes of written and oral communication within the
organization and with outside entities.
Interpersonal/Team 59
Management 59
Customers 60
Media Relations 61
Section Two. Performance Goals for General
Management Responsibilities 63
Managing Performance Goals 65
Goals in this section can be used with managers and supervisors
responsible for performance management and appraisal.
Setting Performance Goals 65
Communicating About Performance 65