British Vogue - 09.2019

(Barré) #1
My charm


began life as

a watch chain


to my great-


small globe that opens and it has
pictures of my family members), and a
signet ring from my mother-in-law.
I think this chain with its charms
represents what a mother is: protection
and love. I always wear it, unless my
husband is travelling, in which case,
I give it to him for protection.

Margherita Cardelli
Co-founder of Giuliva Heritage

I have two simple necklaces that are
both very dear to me. As soon as I was
ready to leave home for college, my
mother gave them to me, and I’ve
worn them every day since. My mother
is innately glamorous, and when she
used to wear these necklaces, she
looked truly herself. The other thing I
love about these pieces is that they are
impossible to replicate. I feel special
when I wear them, and absolutely
connected to my mum. I have been
lucky to inherit lots of pieces from her,
but of course the most important thing
I was given is the recipe for strength
and smiles. It works.

Clare Waight Keller
Artistic director of Givenchy

Since I was very young, my mother has
always insisted on teaching us some of
the things she had been taught by her
own mother, such as sewing, knitting,
and how to prepare for things that
might seem like simple everyday tasks
but to which she has found the perfect
solution – for example, organising a
suitcase or preparing for school. She
also taught me to treasure the things
that you are given, or that you buy, and
to think carefully about how you look
after them. This is something that I
still do whenever I receive something.
When I was about seven, my parents
gave me a silver charm bracelet with a
heart-shaped lock as a birthday gift.
Whenever I travelled, I collected
charms to attach to it. I don’t wear it
any more but it has great sentimental
value and probably contributed to my
“collector’s” approach to jewellery.

Racil Chalhoub
Fashion designer

My mother always had original style.
She owned two wedding rings, one in
plain gold, which she wore every day,
and another in pavé diamonds, which
she wore in the evenings. I always loved
them, as they were so specific to her –
she had long fingers, and they were cut
very wide. Over time, the diamond one

got a little tight on her and, due to
the nature of the design, she couldn’t
make it bigger. She gave it to me on
my 30th birthday. I wear it on my index
finger on special occasions. It is my
most cherished piece of jewellery.

Tabitha Simmons
Shoe designer

My grandmother’s charm bracelet,
which I have inherited, actually began
life as a watch chain belonging to my
great-grandfather. Somewhere along
the line it was divided in half and
made into two bracelets – one for my
grandmother and one for her sister.
I have such fond memories of playing
with the charms when I was a little
girl, and of my grandmother wearing
it. It then got passed down to my
mother. I am looking forward to
passing it on to my daughter one day.

Rosh Mahtani
Jewellery designer & founder
of Alighieri

My mum, Nims, is my rock. She knows
me better than anyone, and she always
grounds me with her kindness. We
are incredibly different in many ways:
she’s practical and doesn’t like to take
risks, whereas I am more
impulsive. I’m finding,
though, that as I grow
older, I’m becoming more
like her. She has a quiet
strength and ability to keep
smiling that I long to
emulate. The necklace that
I inherited is a talisman
given to my mother by
my grandmother, and then
by my mother to me. My
grandparents fled India to
Africa when their village
disappeared during the
Partition. In our family, it
is tradition that a mother
gives it to her daughter at
birth, to ward away danger.
On the chain hangs a tooth
carved out of enamel, next
to a little gold sword. It’s
such a precious item to me;
I never take it off. I find it
re-centres me and reminds
me of the strength of my
mum and grandmother.
When I’m not wearing
it, I lay it on a copy of
The Divine Comedy that
my mum gave me when
I was cramming for my
university finals. I was

studying Italian, and she found it in
a little market in Hampstead for
£10, among broken chandeliers and
Victorian cutlery. She knew that I felt
a strong connection to Dante and it
felt like a sign of good fortune from
the universe. I’ve collected 30 copies
since, but this is my most precious.

Noor Fares
Jewellery designer

I remember discovering my mother’s
jewellery box as a child. I used to spend
hours looking at the intricate designs,
longing for the day they might fit me.
I was then lucky enough to be given
a beautiful 18ct-gold bracelet with
emeralds that had got too small for my
mother’s wrist. The emerald is healing
and balancing to wear, and is also the
gemstone that best represents the
energy patterns of the activated heart
chakra, the wellspring of the emotions.
I wear the bracelet along with a jumble
of others on my wrist, so it is always
close to me. It reminds me that my
mother has always been a great source
of inspiration, even though her style is
very different to my own. She’s famous
for her quirks, for instance always
wearing two different-coloured shoes
of the same style. n



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