British Vogue - 09.2019

(Barré) #1
Climate change activist
and student
“I’m here to change the way we
look at the climate and ecological
crisis, so that together we can put
pressure on people in power to change
things. This year, we have mobilised
millions of young people around the
world who have been school-striking
for the right to a future. There have
been strikes on all continents,
including Antarctica, which is
incredible, and in more than 165
countries. We, together, are changing
the debate. Right now, it’s school
holidays, but the climate crisis doesn’t
go on holiday, so neither will we. To my
critics I say, ‘Spend your time doing
something else, because this isn’t going
to lead anywhere – you’re not going to
achieve anything. Why don’t you try
to make a difference instead?’”
Local production: Skarp Agent

09-19-WELL-ForcesForChange.indd 242 10/07/2019 16:15

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