Assembly Language for Beginners

(Jeff_L) #1

3.29. WINDOWS 16-BIT

push word ptr [bx+6] ; day
push word ptr [bx+8] ; month
mov ax, [bx+0Ah] ; year
add ax, 1900
push ax
mov ax, offset a04d02d02d02d02 ; "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"
push ax
mov ax, offset strbuf
push ax
call sprintf_
add sp, 10h
xor ax, ax ; NULL
push ax
push ds
mov ax, offset strbuf
push ax
push ds
mov ax, offset aCaption ; "caption"
push ax
xor ax, ax ; MB_OK
push ax
xor ax, ax ; return 0
pop bp
retn 0Ah
WinMain endp

tis not to be used, but the compiler emitted the code which stores the value.

Because it is not sure, maybe that value will eventually be used in some other module.

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