2019-08-01 Home & Decor

(WallPaper) #1


hen the owner
of this luxurious
condominium unit
bought the apartment, his
intention was for it to be a
weekend retreat. And when it
came to the renovation, not
only was budget not an issue,
Teo Chen Hian, a director
with the Tong Eng Group of
companies, left the planning,
design and choice of furnishings
entirely to Alvin Kwan, creative
director of AKD3SIGN.
His only request was for a
strong, masculine colour palette

  • the rest was entrusted to
    Alvin, right down to the display
    of his personal collection of
    artworks and choice of bed
    linen. “The owner gave me free
    rein, and that gave me room

to ‘experiment’ with different
elements and textures,” says
Alvin. “I decided to play around
with wallpapers for the rooms,
not the conventional sort but
something bolder, unexpected
and even fun.”
Originally a four-bedder, the
apartment was reconfigured into
a three-bedder, with two of the
rooms merged to form a junior
suite – a perfect arrangement
for the tenants, an American
couple and their three children.
A second (and smaller) living
area just outside the bedrooms
serves as the “family room” – its
original parquet flooring had
been painstakingly stained
black, in contrast with the
polished marble flooring in the
front part of the home.

The attention-
wallpaper makes
for a great
starter. A
painting from
the landlord’s
personal art
another wall;
Alvin was tasked
with displaying
the artworks.

These metal and
wood shelves
were designed
such that the
modules can
be slid out or
separated for
different looks.

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