The Writer 11.2019

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Love literary magazines? Dive
into our essential reading list:

  • Jane Friedman ( has written extensively
    on the format. She has a great blog post (“The Business
    Model of Literary Journals (or Lack Thereof)”) on lit mag

  • Lincoln Michael penned “The Ultimate Guide To Getting
    Published In A Literary Magazine.” He would know; he
    used to be editor-in-chief of Electric Literature. Find the
    piece here:

  • The Community of Literary Magazines and Presses
    posted a farewell interview with the sisters who ran
    Glimmer Train (

  • The book Literary Publishing in the Twenty-First Cen-
    tury, edited by Travis Kurowski, explores the ongoing trans-
    formation of the industry.

  • Lit Mag Lunch ( is Patricia Colleen Mur-
    phy’s delightfully upbeat site that features pictures of her
    lunch alongside the latest lit mag she’s devouring. Come
    for the literary insights. Stay for the Mediterranean Chick-
    pea Orzo (yum).

  • Want a precise financial breakdown of what it costs to run
    a literary magazine? See Tahoma Literary Review’s Trans-
    parency Index (

Tara Laskowski. “Still, I’m so thrilled
that we are finally a paying market. It’s
been long overdue.”
SmokeLong isn’t alone. Atticus
Review recently offered all contributors
to an issue $25 apiece, a first since
David Olimpio purchased the journal.
Most editors are writers themselves
in their off time. They understand the
labor involved in producing a piece
worthy of publication. At the same
time, editors face financial pressure.
Gertrude, a free digital magazine
celebrating queer voices, doesn’t cur-
rently pay writers, “but that is a huge
goal for us this year,” says publisher
Tammy Lynne Stoner. She does pay for
cover art. “Our hope is to grow Gertie,
[our] book club, and use those funds
to support our contributors.”

Writers submit to unpaid markets
for many reasons. Some see them as a
potential stepping stone to bigger jour-
nals – a way to bolster their resume.
Others perceive, rightly or wrongly,
unpaid markets as less selective, offer-
ing a better chance to get published.
Either way, says Carrie Muehle, out-
going managing editor of Northwest-
ern’s TriQuarterly, if you harbor
dreams of getting rich off literary mag-
azine submissions, it’s not going to
happen. “From the artists to the people
working on the journal, this is a love,
not a money, profession,” she says.

Toni F i t zgerald is the copy editor for The Writer.
She is currently writing her first children’s book
while working out her complicated feelings
about the serial comma. Web:

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mitting a piece that
doesn’t meet the maga-
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