
(lily) #1

JET 307


Jet has been

used in the

making of


objects since

the Neolithic

period 10,000

years ago

Intricate carving


Deeply carved

Silver gilt

Bi-conical beads


Approx 25mm (1in) bead

High polish

Turquoise head

Turquoise wing

Native American eagle | Native American
jewellery makes wide use of jet, although not all
pieces are as spectacular as this silver-mounted
jet eagle with turquoise insets to the wings.

Necklace | This modern
necklace has highly polished,
hand-faceted beads and a
freeform drop, all showing the
semi-metallic lustre of fine jet.

Victorian earrings | The deep and detailed
cuts on this pair of Victorian jet earrings
fashioned as flowers illustrates the gem’s
suitability for carving.

Earrings | The flowing shape of the
15-karat-gold-mounted drops on these
fabulous Victorian earrings illustrates the
fine carving qualities of jet.

Trefoil brooch | A Roger Jean Pierre design,
this piece features faceted jet rectangles set
off by Swarovski hot pink and opaque pink
stones in silver gilt.

Rose carving | The intricacy of the carving
on this jet brooch shows not only the skill
of the craftsman, but the beauty of the
mineral as a medium.

Pendant | This three-dimensional jet pendant
features a dove carrying a heart in its beak.
The fine finish demonstrates the smooth
texture that can be imparted by polishing.

Bead necklace | The beads on this Turkish
jet necklace display a rounded, bi-conical
form, which highlights their brilliant polish.
Jet is often used in necklaces.

Smooth finish

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