
(lily) #1



he Crown of Charlemagne is
more than a jewelled medieval
masterpiece – between the
10th and 19th centuries,
it symbolized the might of the
Holy Roman Empire, a vast
European state with Germany
at its heart. Later, the crown
became such a powerful icon
that the dictator Adolf Hitler
used it in his campaign to
create a new German-led
empire in Europe in the 1930s.
Also called the Imperial
Crown, or Crown of the Holy Roman
Empire, it is named in honour of the first
Holy Roman Emperor, Charlemagne I
(Charles the Great), king of the Germanic
Frankish tribes (c.747–814 CE). Although

it is widely referred to as the Crown of
Charlemagne, the surviving crown was
probably made for the coronation of
Otto the Great (912–73 CE), while
it is thought that Charlemagne
himself wore a simpler version
for his coronation in 800 CE.
Charlemagne was successful
in conquering and unifying
much of Western Europe and,
after helping to put down a
rebellion against Pope Leo III,
was crowned Holy Roman
Emperor by the grateful pope.
The tradition of imperial rule continued until
1806, when the last Holy Roman Emperor,
Franz II, dismantled the empire after military
defeat by Napoleon. While Napoleon
marched on Franz’s base of Nuremberg,
Franz moved the crown to Vienna
for safekeeping.
Now preserved in the national treasury
in the Hofburg Palace in Vienna as part
of the Austrian crown jewels – where it
is still on public display to visitors – the
Crown of Charlemagne is octagonal
and is made from eight hinged panels
of 22-karat gold. The panels are set with
a dazzling range of 144 precious gems,
including sapphires, emeralds, amethysts,
and more than 100 natural pearls. Typical
of Byzantine jewellery, the stones are
rough cut, because faceting techniques
had not yet been developed. Four of its
panels feature scenes from the Bible
depicted in cloisonné enamel (a form
of painting laced with silver or gold wire),
a technique that was also characteristic
of the Byzantine era.

Crown of


Key dates

800 CE–1945







Holy Roman Emperor^1800
Otto II

△ Front view of the crown

Coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III in 800, shown
in the Grandes Chroniques de France (1375–79) featuring an
earlier version of the crown

Austrian 100-Euro coin
depicting the Crown
of Charlemagne

800 CE Charlemagne is
crowned the first
Holy Roman Emperor

960 CE The crown is
made in a workshop
in the Lower Rhineland
of Germany

1424–1796 The
crown and other
imperial regalia are
kept in Nuremberg

1806 Franz II relinquishes
his title as the last Holy
Roman Emperor

1871 The heraldic
symbol of the German
Empire is created,
inspired by the crown

1938 Nazi forces
invade Austria and
take the crown back
to Nuremberg
1945 At the end
of World War II,
American forces
return the crown
to Austria

962 CE Otto II is appointed
Holy Roman Emperor
and is the first to
wear the crown

1796 The crown
is taken to Vienna to
save it from falling
into Napoleon’s hands


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