
(lily) #1


  • Pyrite

  • Sphalerite

  • Stuart Sapphire

  • Sapphire

  • Danish ruby parure

  • Ruby

  • Timur Ruby

  • Spinel

  • Catherine the Great's spinel

  • Chrysoberyl

  • Hematite

  • Taaffeite

  • Cassiterite

  • Cuprite

  • Maharaja’s Patiala necklace

  • Indian jewels

  • Rutile

  • Diaspore

  • Fluorite

  • Calcite

  • Aragonite

  • Rhodochrosite

  • Cerussite

  • Byzantine jewels

  • Variscite

  • Smithsonite

    • Azurite

    • Malachite

    • Queen Desideria's malachite parure

    • Turquoise

    • Marie-Louise’s diadem

    • Gems for anniversaries

    • Brazilianite

    • Amblygonite

    • Apatite

    • Lazulite

    • Baryte

    • Celestine

    • Alabaster

    • Gypsum

    • Sacred stones

    • Scheelite

    • Howlite

    • Queen Elizabeth’s pelican brooch

    • Mysticism and medicine

    • Quartz

    • Treasure chambers of Augustus II

    • Surface lustre

    • St George statuette

    • Chalcedony

    • Frederick the Great’s snuffbox

    • Agate

    • Onyx

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    • Gold and power

    • Opal

    • Halley’s Comet opal

    • Moonstone

    • Shimmering colour

    • Sunstone

    • Labradorite

    • Orthoclase

    • Microcline

    • Albite

    • Bytownite

    • Lapis lazuli

    • Jewels of ancient Egypt

    • Sodalite

    • Haüyne

    • Kiani Crown

    • Scapolite

    • Pollucite

    • Fluorescent minerals

    • Indian jewels

    • Serpentine

    • Soapstone

    • Pezzottaite

    • Sepiolite

    • Ludwig II’s pocket watch

    • Chrysocolla

    • Petalite

    • Prehnite

    • Phosphophyllite

    • The gem industry

    • Enstatite

    • Diopside

    • Hypersthene

    • Bronzite

      • Pattern, texture, and inclusions

      • Hiddenite

      • Kunzite

      • Tutti Frutti necklace

      • Jade

      • Chinese birdcage

      • Rhodonite

      • Pectolite

      • Designers' heyday

      • Dioptase

      • Sugilite

      • Iolite

      • Benitoite

      • Duchess of Windsor’s Cartier flamingo brooch

      • Tourmaline

      • Crown of the Andes

      • Emerald

      • Topkapi emerald dagger

      • Beryl

      • Dom Pedro Aquamarine

      • Modern carving and engraving

      • Danburite

      • Axinite

      • Jewellery shopping

      • Vesuvianite

      • Epidote

      • Kornerupine

      • Zoisite

      • Peridot

      • Shwedagon pagoda

      • Garnet

      • Staffordshire hoard

      • Fire and brilliance

      • Zircon

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    • Black Orlov diamond

    • Topaz

    • Andalusite

    • Titanite

    • Sillimanite

    • Dumortierite

    • Fabergé Easter eggs

    • Kyanite

    • Staurolite

    • Phenakite

    • Euclase

    • Napoleon diamond necklace

    • Lucky birthstones

    • Mask of Agamemnon


    • Pearl

    • La Peregrina

    • Shell

    • Mother-of-pearl

    • Nautilus cup

    • High society

    • Mother-of-pearl coyote

    • Jet

    • Copal

    • Anthracite

    • Amber

    • Russian Amber Room

    • Coral

    • Diana with stag centrepiece

    • Peanut wood

    • Ammolite


      • Moldavite

      • Obsidian

      • Limestone

      • Sandstone

      • Spanish Alhambra

      • Marble

      • Granite

      • Michelangelo’s David

      • Record-breakers

      • Modern brands

      • Colour guide

      • Glossary

      • Index

      • Acknowledgments

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