10 Outdoor Photography February 2018
© Paolo Solari Bozzi
© Paolo Solari Bozzi
into White
Paolo Solari Bozzi
Mondadori Elect ra
Hardback, £
In the past decade
or so the Arct ic has
become a place
photographed by many, and Italian photographer
Paolo Solari Bozzi is one of those drawn to the
enigmatic wildness of the far north. Hoping to
set his imagery apart from the majority, Solari
Bozzi adopts a traditional approach by shooting
exclusively with black & white fi lm, a medium he
feels st rongly about: ‘Even when confronted with
the consumerist sirens of digital technology, I
declined to surrender...To me, photographs are
sacred and there is no subst itute for the process
of unveiling the image and thereaft er creating
magic in the darkroom.’ While these views on this
familiar debate might divide opinion, his classic
reportage st yle is sure to unite. Documenting
a small community living in one of the most
remote areas of
Greenland, Solari Bozzi
highlights their day-
to-day act ivities (there
are some graphic, but
not gratuitous images
of the community
hunting local wildlife)
and captures the sp irit
of the people with
candour and sensitivity.
Endorsed by fellow
Arct ic photographer
Ragnar Axelsson (who
wrote the foreword),
the images in this book
paint a compelling and
complex portrait of the
fortitude of those living
in some of the harshest
conditions on earth.
Portraits of
Insect s
Levon Biss
Harry N Abrams
Hardback, £
is a unique
photo st udy by Levon Biss of insect s from
collect ions at the Oxford University Museum
of Natural Hist ory. This 144-page book
follows the hugely successful exhibitions
of the works at the museum and the 2016
Xposure International Photography Fest ival
in the United Arab Emirates.
Each photograph of insect sp ecimens,
chosen by the museum to illust rate an
array of sculptural forms, celebrates art
and science, combining to show us with
intriguing clarity the myriad colours, forms
and textures of the insect world. Each
photograph is created from approximately
8,000 individual images of the magnifi ed
sp ecimen, with as many as 30 diff erent
segments each requiring an individualised
combination of techniques.
These individual images are st acked
to retain sharp focus and are combined
into a high-resolution fi le that’s then
printed in large-scale format. Biss uses
a 36MP Nikon D810 with a 10x microscope
object ive att ached via a 200mm prime lens
to produce this captivating collect ion that
will appeal to natural hist ory enthusiast s,
artist s and scientist s – as well as those
who appreciate photography innovation.
Olivier du Tré
Rocky Mountain
Hardback, £
This quiet and
engaging book brings together black & white,
mainly landscape, photographs completed
over the past seven years. While many of
the images depict the photographer’s home
st ate of Alberta, a signifi cant number of
images are from his travels to Newfoundland,
Yukon and Belgium.
Olivier du Tré’s work is composed to
suggest a feeling, emotion or idea, which
transcends literal representation. In the 43
pages of illuminating text that precede the
beautifully craft ed images, du Tré st ates:
‘I let the world in and it is the breath of life
to me.’ This profound sensitivity towards his
subject is evident in the captivating, subtle
works. Beautifully produced by high quality
American publishers Rocky Mountain Books,
this is a handsome volume to return to time
and again for both escapism and insp iration.
Sermiligaaq, Greenland, 2016
Kulusuk, Greenland, 2016
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