Outdoor Photography

(sharon) #1
2 Outdoor Photography February 2018





16 In conversation with... GUIDE
Christ ian Fletcher
Nick Smith sp eaks to this
West Aust ralian photographer
about why the landscapes,
colours and light of Aust ralia
have been a continual source
of insp iration, and how he’s
found a balance between his
commercial and personal work

25 One month, one pict ure
Successfully evoking the sense
of a place should be the focus
when creating a pict ure, says
Pete Bridgwood

39 Lie of the land
Athena Carey on the inexorable
pull of the sea

40 In the sp otlight
Abst ract landscape photographer
Ruth Fairbrother answers Nick
Smith’s quick-fi re quest ions

43 Insight: When
Morag met Valda
Both creative but in very
diff erent ways, Morag Paterson
and Valda Bailey meet up
and photograph the Sussex
coast line – learning from each
other along the way

58 Opinion
Niall Benvie on how branching
out from your usual subject
matt er can lead to a fresh way
of seeing the world

61 Inside track
Resp ect ing your gear – from
cameras to lens caps – is
a must , says Nick Smith

63 Photo showcase:
Mast ers of
Landscape Photography
We delve into a new book
all about today’s infl uential
landscape photographers

28 How to create
black & white landscapes
Cast the colour sp ect rum aside
and discover how to create
eff ect ive monochrome images
of the natural world with Lee
Frost ’s in-depth guide

36 Quick guide to...
mountain hare
Drew Buckley’s top tips for
taking compelling images of
one of UK’s most photogenic,
yet elusive, animals

50 Forest -in-Teesdale,
County Durham
David Forst er embraces the
cold weather and travels to
a remote river to create a
poignant shot

53 Branksome Chine
beach, Dorset
With the sun sett ing and good
cloud cover, Owen Vachell
captures a serene image
of a quiet beach in Poole

54 Viewpoints
Eight top UK locations to shoot
this month, including wonderful
sp ots in Cornwall, Cumbria,
Lancashire and Highland



This month we want to see your best black & white landscapes,
turn to p111 for more details on the prize and how to enter online.

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