February 2018 Outdoor Photography 51
Canon EOS M
with EF 17-40mm
lens at 20mm,
ISO 100, 1sec
at f/11, 0.6 hard
ND grad, tripod,
wireless remote
spot because the river and stream
created ideal leading lines, drawing
the eye towards the old farm.
When dealing with snow scenes
I tend to add between one and
two stops to the exposure to avoid
underexposure, but in the soft
pre-dawn light I only needed to
increase the exposure by two thirds
of a stop. I also added a 0.6 hard ND
grad fi lter for the sky. To maintain
a good depth of fi eld I chose f/11,
which also gave me a shutter speed
of one second – perfect for blurring
any water that was still moving in the
deeper, unfrozen sections.
The soft pink light only lasted a
few minutes but, even so, I left feeling
confi dent I had managed to capture a
little of the atmosphere that this wild
and beautiful place evokes.
50-51_VP_DPS_David Forster_227_SW.indd 51 18/12/2017 15:24