February 2018 Outdoor Photography 73
Each month we publish the best images from those submitted for our Reader Gallery. Turn to
page 70 to fi nd out how to enter your work using our online system. Here is this month’s winner...
Winner Lynn Fotheringham
I was a textile and wallpaper
designer for many years, but
had always wanted to study
photography. When I closed
my last business (in 2014), my
husband encouraged me to
spend the newly found time
pursuing my interest. I am
self-taught, so everything I know technically
I have learnt from books and from YouTube.
However, I think composition and colour is
instinctive, and I am fortunate that it comes
easily to me, although I am always looking
for ways to learn more and to improve my
composition skills.
People have described my work as ‘minimalist’
and ‘enigmatic’, but I would use vague terms
such as ‘abstract’ and ‘impromptu’, as well as
‘waving the camera around a bit to see what
happens’ (focus stacking is not my idea of
how to have fun with photography!). Once
I had fully grasped the technicalities of my
relatively simple camera, a Canon EOS 100D,
and the conventions of traditional landscape
photography, I realised that while landscape is
my favourite visual discipline, the usual way of
expressing and recording it can be limiting, and
also very competitive. I wanted to fi nd a way of
communicating the elements of landscape that
didn’t rely on a full-frame camera with a very
wide lens, a low view point and getting up at
the crack of dawn to wait for hours for the light
to be right. Instead, I have developed various
abstract techniques to try and capture what I am
looking for when I’m out walking the dog in low
light, in the rain, in the middle of the day; I aim
for a sense of place rather than a clear record.
I love Lightroom and the process of editing
images, and I also use Photoshop to make
multiple exposure images because my basic
Canon doesn’t have a multiple exposure
function. I have a number of personal rules
around the use of Photoshop, but the main one is
that I don’t want to make an image that wouldn’t
have had a chance of being made using fi lm.
Moving forward I want to explore fully
what can be done with a digital camera and
continue fi nding alternative ways of recording
the landscape. This type of photography is
also propelling me back towards painting and
drawing, and I hope that my photography will
develop further because of this.
I would, of course, like my work to be seen
by a wider audience, but I am more interested
in making images than in promoting and
marketing them. However, I have had some
success with my images. In 2015 I was one
73-75 Reader gallery 227_SW.indd 73 18/12/2017 16:00