Thord Daniel Hedengren - Smashing WordPress_ Beyond the Blog-Wiley (2014)

(avery) #1

14 PART I • Getting Started with WordPress

Figure 1-4: The Permalink Settings page is one of several Settings pages where you can tweak your install’s behavior.

To move your WordPress install to the new directory, first create the wpsystem folder. Then go to
the General Settings page and change the WordPress address URL field to http://domain.
com/wpsystem to reflect your new folder, and the Blog address URL field to http://domain.
com, where you want your site to be. Next, click the Update button and move all the WordPress
files to their new directory at, except for the index.php and
.htaccess files, which should be where you want your site to be (

When the files have been moved, open index.php and locate this code snippet:


Replace it with this code snippet:


As you can see, the code now points to the wpsystem folder instead and to the wp-blog-
header.php file.

Log in to the WordPress admin interface (which is now on
wp-admin/) and update the permalinks, and there you have it.


Most of the time you needn’t worry about the database; WordPress will take care of it for you.
There are database changes between versions sometimes, but program updates will take care
of everything, and other than keeping a backup of your content, the database can be left to
live its own life.
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