Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

Where to Begin?

A blank canvas or sheet of paper can be scary to some art-
ists. If you're one of them, try starting a painting like this:

Cover the support with paint (one color, several colors, thin
paint, thick paint, it doesn't matterl- anything to get rid of
the blankness.

Grab a magazine, tear out random images or text, and
stick them down on your support without any thought.
Partially cover them up with a translucent paint like Titan
Buff or Zinc White. Some of the darker areas will show
through in intriguing ways, ready for the next layer.

Doodle on your sheet with a non-water-soluble thick cray-
on or colored pencil. Most of this layer will eventually be

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hidden, so be as free as you like, then cover your jottings
with a glaze (a thin layerl of transparent paint. Even after
you have added collage and more paint, a few tantalizing
glimpses of this first layer may remain.
As an alternative to doodling, write random thoughts all
over your support. Again use an insoluble medium such as
permanent ink, colored pencil, or Caran d'Ache Neocolor I
wax-oil crayons. Graphite can also work, but the softer the
lead, the more likely it is to lift and mix with subsequent
layers of paint. Be sure not to write anything too important
or you'll find it hard to cover it Upl

Men Seeking Women,
Ann Baldwin. 16" x 12"
(40.6 x 30.5 em), mixed
media on paper. Private
The largest image is in the
very center at the toP. but
the other two images of
people on either side of the
lower half of the painting
create a triangle or pyramid.
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