The Washington Post - 22.08.2019

(Joyce) #1

the washington post

thursday, august




Q: I am going through a

rough divorce, and I have a

restraining order against my

ex. Despite that, the courts

gave him visitation with our

4-year-old every Wednesday

and every other weekend.

My son has been through

play therapy and still has

someone helping with

kindergarten prep for kids

exposed to trauma. In the

past year or so, when I ask

about his day, he says he

doesn’t want to talk. He used

to be very chatty, he just

wouldn’t talk much about

his time with his dad. Now

he won’t talk much about

school other than saying he

likes his new summer

program. I’ve tried

everything I can think of:

asking direct questions,

general questions, if he

wants to hear about my day

(usually he says yes). I’ve also

tried doing nothing at all.

I’m concerned his dad is

telling him not to tell me

anything (even if nothing

bad is going on there). I’m

trying to foster an open

environment and not

pressure him to talk. Do I

reach back out to his play

therapist with my concerns?

Try something else? If

something bad is happening

to my son, the courts in my

area likely won’t

acknowledge it if it’s just the

word of a 4-year-old without

physical proof. Even if

nothing bad is happening, I

want him to know he can

talk to me about anything.

A: There are so many details I

don’t know that it’s hard to

figure out where to begin. We
have a 4-year-old who has either
witnessed or been part of
trauma, making therapy
necessary. We have a timeline
I’m not totally sure of, but I’m
guessing this custody agreement
has been in effect for a year, and
your son has grown quieter
during that time? We have a boy
who was chatty and now isn’t.
And there is talk of something
“bad” that could be happening,
which could be anything from
physical or sexual or emotional
abuse to your ex simply
pressuring your son to stay quiet
when it comes to the divorce (or
all of the above).
If you suspect something is
happening to your son at his
dad’s house, you need to call
your lawyer and the therapist,
and then write everything down.
Dates of conversations, moods
after pickup, sleeping patterns,
eating habits, decreased interest
in play or other activities that
your son once enjoyed... you
name it. Though this is
exhausting, the more details, the
Depression is rare for a 4-year-
old, but it isn’t uncommon

among children who have
witnessed, experienced or are
still experiencing trauma. Here
is a list of possible behaviors that
could point toward childhood
depression (your child doesn’t
have to exhibit all of these to be

  • Irritability, anger or being
    “on edge.”

  • Persistent feelings of sadness
    or hopelessness.

  • Withdrawal from previously
    enjoyed activities as well as from
    friends and family.

  • Increased sensitivity to
    rejection or criticism.

  • Changes in appetite (either
    increased or decreased).

  • Changes in sleep
    (sleeplessness or too much

  • Crying or temper tantrums.

  • Difficulty concentrating and

  • Fatigue and low energy.

  • Physical complaints (such as
    stomachaches or headaches)
    that do not respond to

  • Reduced ability to function
    during activities at home or with
    friends, including in school,
    extracurricular activities, and

other hobbies or interests.

  • Feelings of worthlessness or

  • Thoughts or talk of death or
    A 4-year-old is in the develop-
    mental stage of the “here and
    now” while also developing a
    sense of self and opinions. He
    isn’t able to fully articulate his
    interior world, especially if a
    primary attachment (his dad)
    may be sending him conflicting
    signals. Even if his father isn’t
    hurting him, many children feel
    deeply torn in divorce and cus-
    tody issues; splitting loyalty be-
    tween two primary attachments
    is extraordinarily painful.
    Because 4-year-olds are too
    young to understand the com-
    plexities of marriage, it is easy for
    them to assume they’re part of
    the problem. Because he has
    been a witness to trauma, I
    strongly recommend continuing
    therapy, constant contact with
    your lawyer, and frequent con-
    versations with his teachers and
    school counselors. I would like to
    see every adult in your son’s life
    put in a position to protect,
    support and love him in a
    healthy way.

As for right now, stay physical-
ly and emotionally close to him,
including cuddling, reading,
coloring, building, playing or
watching a show together. Do
anything you can that builds
connections, lights up his eyes,
makes him smile and helps him
relax. He may be afraid to talk to
you, or he may not even have the
words to communicate his emo-
Your daily, consistent and
compassionate warmth will
build an invisible bridge of sup-
port. You may not be able to see
the effects of your connection,
but the roots are there. Children
can make it through almost any
hardship when they have a deep
connection to someone who
loves them unconditionally. You
are laying this groundwork, so
don’t give up.
Good luck.

 Also at
Read the transcript of a recent live
Q&A with Leahy at, where you
can also find past columns. Her next
chat is scheduled for Aug. 28.
 Send questions about parenting
to [email protected].


After his parents’ messy divorce, a chatty 4-year-old clams up

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