September. October 45
In the following years, many of Australia’s toughest cavers
spent countless days looking for the stream inlet in Niggly, with
no luck. But during an expedition last December, a group of us
managed to negotiate our way through a rock-choked section
i n a n unex plored pa r t of Nigg ly that we na med Ni nja St rea mway.
It opened up into a spectacular large passage we called Atlantis.
Exploring on from there, we discovered the Pool of Promise,
where I’d started our breakthrough dive. We suspected the sub-
merged tunnels in this sump might eventually connect with the
Dreamtime Sump tunnel I’d explored in 2015.
DIVE LIKE THIS is a huge team effort. The push diver has
an important role, but the dive is impossible without
others helping. Niggly Cave is a complex 3D maze, with
all sorts of difficult obstacles. And both the air and water tem-
perature are only 7ºC. Cavers must be fit and experienced to
make it down, and able to carry a load of up to 20kg.
Our team was Alan Jackson, Gabriel Kinzler, Stefan Eberhard,
Serena Benjamin, Fraser Johnston, Petr Smejkal,
Patrick Eberhard, Chris Sharples, Rolan Eberhard and me. The
expedition required extensive planning and preparation. In the
lead-up, I completed a full dress rehearsal at Mornington Pier,
my favourite dive site in Melbourne, and tried to emulate
everything I could about the upcoming dive: I wore all my gear,
laid guidelines and stayed under water for two hours – about as
long as I expected the Niggly dive to take.
We’d planned to spend four days underground, camped at a
depth of 350m. The first day would be spent descending into
the cave and making our way to the Pool of Promise, where I’d
attempt the connection dive. Days 2 and 3 would be spent explor-
ing new dry passageways, and searching for a way past the cham-
ber I’d discovered and named Business Class Lounge during a
previous trip. I’d reached it via a submerged tunnel, and because
it wa s on ly accessible by d iv ing it rem a ined la rgely unex plored.
Niggly Cave is a complex
3D maze, with all sorts
of difficult obstacles.
Niggly Cave entrance
Tigertooth Passage Scary Rift
85m drop
105m drop
184m free hang
Mount Niggly
Connection Point
Waterfall and
Flying Fox
To Mother of God passage
Pool of Promise (2019 dive) Ninja Streamway
Gotcha section Gallantry Sump
Game of Thrones Section
Mount Atlantis
To Tiger Mountain and Frownland
Despite the mud, camp was a
welcome place to rest and recover.