Nature - 2019.08.29

(Frankie) #1

Article reSeArcH

Acknowledgements We thank C. B. Newgard for the initial metabolomics
analysis, E. Kunji for liposome study, Y. Seo and T. Huynh for the PET–CT scan,
Y. Cheng and E. Green for HEK293S cells, E. T. Chouchani and E. Mills for cell
respiration studies, and X. Lu and K. Shinoda for technical help. This work was
supported by the NIH (DK97441 and DK112268) and the Edward Mallinckrodt
Jr. Foundation to S.K., the American Diabetes Association Pathways Award
(1-16-INI-17) to P.J.W., the AMED–CREST from the Japan Agency for Medical
Research and Development to T.S., and the NIH (U19CA179513 and P30
DK063720) to M.T.M. T.Y. and M.K. are supported by the JSPS Fellowships.

Author contributions T.Y. designed and carried out overall experiments and
analysed data. Q.W. designed and performed cellular experiments and liposome
assays and  interpreted data. K.T. and C.H.S. performed mouse experiments.
M.M. and M.C. carried out human studies and analysed the data with M.S. and
L.S. H. Maki, K. Igarashi, A.U. and M.O. performed BCAA-tracing studies and
analysed the data with T.S. Z.D., M.K., H.L. and H. Majd performed liposome
assays and analysed the data with F.C.S. P.J.W., R.W.M., O.R.I. and Y.D. measured
amino acids in mice and BCKDH activity. Y.O., K. Ikeda, K.K., Y.C., M.Y. and Z.B.

assisted with mouse experiments and cultured cell studies. R.N.P. conducted
RNA-sequencing analysis. V.J.G. and M.T.M. developed dCas9–KRAB mice. H.T.,
T.G. and T.K. assisted with quantification of metabolites in human sera. S.K.
conceived the project and directed the research. S.K. and T.Y wrote the paper
with input from all the authors.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

Additional information
supplementary information is available for this paper at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.K.
Peer review information Nature thanks Ferdinando Palmieri, Yibin Wang and
the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of
this work.
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