The Independent - 25.08.2019

(Ben Green) #1

We have all the evidence we need to declare a climate emergency

When campaigning recently for the Vale of Glamorgan Council to declare a “climate emergency”, I was
asked many times what a climate emergency is.

Well, the images of the Amazon and Siberian forests burning is probably the most poignant reply. Add to
that, the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets and the record temperatures taking place on a
monthly basis and we have the evidence needed for us as a society to urgently change our ways.

The choices we make as individuals can have a global impact – whether it’s eating less meat, conserving
energy or refusing plastic packaging.

Sadly many of our politicians seem deafeningly silent on climate breakdown and the extinction of our
natural world. Please can I make an urgent plea to all readers to bombard our elected representatives with
the emails, texts and letters needed for them to wake up and smell the burning forests.

Rob Curtis Vale of Glamorgan

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