Global Times - 02.09.2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
Monday September 2, 2019 21


Happy birthday:
With all the changes going on today
even the simplest of plans will be dif-
ficult to implement. Make sure you stay
flexible and willing to head in a new
direction depending on the demands of
the situation. Your lucky numbers: 2, 3,
9, 15, 17.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
It is easy to lose sight of your
goals when money is in-
volved. While financial secu-
rity is important, try to keep
in mind that money isn’t everything. Ex-
ercise will get your heart pumping and
bring a smile to your face. ✭✭✭

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
You may have to make some
hard choices when it comes
to a long-term partnership.
If things are not working
out, there is no reason to go down with
the ship. A romantic encounter is sure
to put a smile on your face. ✭✭✭

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
The Devil will be in the
details today. If you try to
rush your way through tasks,
you are sure to overlook
something important that will end up
causing you trouble at some point in
the future. Remember: Slow and steady
wins the race. ✭✭✭

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Pressure will only contin-
ue to mount if you persist
in avoiding dealing with
an important emotional
issue. As difficult as it may be, it’s far
past time to confront what is bothering
you. Friends and family will be a source
of comfort and support. ✭✭✭

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Do not waste your time
trying to deal with some-
one who is not willing to
compromise. If you are
willing to walk away from the table,
chances are high they will change their
attitude. ✭✭✭

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You will have to take on
greater responsibilities at
work. Take advantage of
this opportunity to imple-
ment your own ideas about how things
should be run. ✭✭✭✭

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
This will prove to be an
excellent day for learn-
ing new things. Focus on
physical skills and you will
see considerable improvement. Take
care when using public transportation.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Indecision will be your
worst enemy. Although you
may find it difficult to come
to a decision, some choices
will be unavoidable. Pay careful atten-
tion to your surroundings today or else
you may end up missing out on a great
opportunity. ✭✭✭

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Focus your energies for
the immediate future on
getting ahead financially.
You will see great returns if
you use a double-pronged approach that
combines investments with bringing in
more income through work. Blue will
be your lucky color. ✭✭✭

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
Time spent on personal mat-
ters will end up interfering
with your professional life.
It will be best to make your
career a priority for now. You will have
time to focus on your personal life later
down the line. ✭✭✭

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Love is looking good for you
today. If you are in commit-
ted relationship, this will
be a good time to surprise
your partner with a small gift; if you are
still single, this will be the perfect time
to meet someone that catches your eye.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Do not waste your energy
dwelling on negativity. The
way you look at things will
have a direct impact on your
ability to achieve your goals. ✭✭✭


1 Talent show parts
5 Involuntary movement
10 “Do Us a Flavor” chip brand
14 Move suddenly
15 Trendy “caveman” diet
16 Food, in a food fight
17 Cookie with a Golden variety
18 Lifesaving donation, per-
19 Humane org.
20 36-Down are here
23 Indy 500 segment
24 Object held sacred
25 Word before a maiden name
26 Deep void
28 Car floor cover
30 Superstar singer
32 36-Down are here
37 Settle in and get comfy
41 51
42 Audibly
44 You might keep them on
45 More secretive
47 36-Down are here
49 Signals assent
51 “Narcos” agcy.
52 Fourth prime number
55 A little lamb may follow her
57 Follower of Haile Selassie
62 The old college

63 36-Down are here
66 Word after “military” or
68 Closely clustered
69 Destiny
70 Sup in style
71 Info gathered by spies
72 Skin care brand
73 Nintendo competitor
74 ___ spray (drugstore
75 Tear apart

1 Accept as one’s own
2 Monte ___
3 Pick up the check
4 Emma of “The Favourite”

5 Common Dalmatian name
6 The “P” in PG
7 Rootless aquatic plants
8 Quickly heated the outside
9 Neighbor of N.D.
10 ___ Vegas Aces
11 More than sufficiently
12 Sports centers, for short
13 Bars that produce suds
21 One may be Primetime or
22 Possess
27 Keep moist, as a turkey
29 21-Down, e.g.
31 Type of film at Sundance
32 Apple product
33 401(k) alternative
34 Get a ___ up
35 Clinton running mate
36 Person reading this clue
38 Road surface
39 Counterparts to kgs
40 Suffix in many language
43 Like a coral reef
46 Long periods
48 Differ
50 “Hands to Myself ”

singer Gomez
52 Hot guys
53 Bert’s buddy
54 Competing (for)
56 Desires
58 First two parts of AFAIK
59 Fend (off)
60 Wyoming’s ___ Range
61 Formally change
64 Anthony Hopkins’ role in
65 Organizer’s pile next to
“Keep,” perhaps
67 It might be unsweetened




Today’s Solution

Chat attack

enter fall

A: Time is flying by too fast. It’s
September already. We are going to enter
fall before we know it.
(sh!ji`n gu7d9 t3iku3i le. j$r1n y@j~ng
ji^yu- le. zhu2ny2n ji&y3o r&qi$ le.)

B: I know right? I still feel like I haven’t
enjoyed the summer. There are a lot of

things I wanted to do but I haven’t had
time to do.
(k0b%sh#? w6 g2nju9 xi3ti`n h1im9i
gu7g7u ne. h2odu4 xi2ngg3n de sh#q!ng
d4u h1i m9i l1id9j! g3n.)

A: What did you want to do?
(n@ xi2ng g3n sh9nme ya?)

B: Like paddling a boat on a lake or
reading a book in a park.
(b@r% q& h%bi`n hu1hu1 chu1n, q&

g4ngyu1n k3nk3n sh$.)

A: Those things can also be done in the
fall. I wanted to go to a water park but
didn’t get the chance. I think it’s a bit too
cold to go now.
(zh-xi8 qi$ti`n y0 k0y@ q&. w6 sh# xi2ngq&
shu@sh3ng l-yu1n, m9iq&ch9ng. w6 ju9d9
xi3nz3i q& ti`nq# y6udi2n l0ng le.)


5 : Head for Macao!
4 : Ye gods! The planets align!
3 : Things are looking up.
2 : Don’t bet on things working out.
1 : Watch out for black cats and ladders.

5 : Head for Macao!
4 : Ye gods! The planets align!
3 : Things are looking up.
2 : Don’t bet on things working out.
1 : Watch out for black cats and ladders.


Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

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