Daily Mail - 30.08.2019

(ff) #1
Page 14


With Parliament thrust
into crisis, the need for
constitutional expertise is
paramount. Step forward the
celebrity Remainer luvvies,
whose howls of outrage are
more petulant than ever...

PHILIP PULLMAN, author: ‘The Prime
Minister has finally come out as a
dictator. I’ve had enough of being
outraged. We must get rid of him and his
loathsome gang as soon and as finally as
possible. When I hear the name Boris
Johnson, for some reason the words
“rope” and “nearest lamp-post” come
to mind as well.
[Pullman was later forced to clarify: ‘Just
to make it perfectly clear: I wouldn’t kill
the Prime Minister, and I don’t want
anyone else to. But I don’t apologise for
the anger I feel; only for its intemperate

JAMES O’BRIEN, LBC radio presenter:
‘What’s happened so far happened because
the people with the strongest opinions about
EU membership turned out to be the ones
with the weakest understanding of it. What
happens next depends on the same people’s
willingness to admit to career-long ignorance.
I’m not optimistic.’

PALOMA FAITH, singer: ‘Please sign
this petition against this ridiculous
UK dictatorship.’

ED MILIBAND, former Labour leader:
‘Suspending Parliament to prevent the
expression of the will of elected representa-
tives is what autocrats and dictators do. This
attempted coup against our democracy to
impose a No Deal Brexit cannot be allowed
to stand.’

FINANCIAL TIMES editorial: ‘History has
shown that charlatans, demagogues and
would-be dictators have little time for
representative government.’

Still wondering what to make of

the PM’s bold gambit? Then revel

in the handkerchief-clutching,

over-the-top outbursts of anti-Boris

bien pensants as they weep and wail

on social media and TV – and they

may make up your mind for you!

ALL have squealed ‘constitutional
outrage’ but they, too, have
been guilty of breaking
political protocol...

ThE former Tory PM says he’s
prepared to take the Government
to court if it prorogues Parliament.
Yet while in No 10, in 1997, he was
accused of abusing his power by
proroguing Parliament for the
longest period since 1918 so as to
delay the publication of an
embarrassing report into the ‘cash
for questions’ sleaze scandal
involving his Government.

COMMONS Speaker Bercow has
condemned the decision to suspend
Parliament as a ‘constitutional outrage’
which he will fight with ‘every bone in
my body’. But he broke usual
parliamentary precedent in January
when he is said to have ignored advice
from his officials to permit an
amendment being tabled to the draft
Brexit deal. Ministers accused him, too,
of deliberately attempting to frustrate
the Government’s attempts to pass
Theresa May’s Brexit deal by selecting
pro-Remain amendments to be voted on
and of making Commons procedure up
as he went along.

GINA MILLER, anti-Brexit
campaigner: ‘These actions are more
akin to dictatorship than democracy
and as such their legality must be
tested in the courts.’

PAUL MASON, former economics
editor of BBC2’s Newsnight: ‘To
stop Farage and Johnson
destroying our democracy we

need not just an alliance in
Parliament: we need to get on
the streets... and if it comes
to an election — a one-time
tactical voting pact for the
progressive majority.’

head of the Civil Service: ‘We are
reaching the point where the Civil

Service must consider putting its
stewardship of the country ahead of
service to the government of the day.’

JOHN SIMPSON, BBC world affairs
editor: ‘Just back from the WiFi-
free South African wilderness to
find a full-scale constitutional
crisis under way. Downing Street
assured the BBC on Sunday that it

was entirely false to claim
Parliament would be prorogued.
Is truth just going out of
the window?’

No 10 spin doctor: ‘The campaign
Take Back Control was meant to be
about parliamentary sovereignty,
we’ve had an Old Etonian Prime Min-

(^) Daily Mail, Friday, August 30, 2019
Stephen Fry
Weep for Britain. A sick, cynical, brutal and
horribly dangerous coup d’état. Children
playing with matches, but spitefully not
accidentally: gleefully torching an ancient
democracy and any tattered shreds of
reputation or standing our poor
country had left.
You will not f with my children’s future.
You will not destroy the freedoms my
grandfather fought two world wars to
defend. F
off you over-promoted
rubber bath toy. Britain is revolted
by you and you [sic] little gang
of masturbatory prefects.
Hugh Grant @Hac

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