Business Spotlight - 06.2019

(Barré) #1

TECHNOLOGY 6/2019 Business Spotlight 67

“Hundreds of international and Viet-
namese scholars, as well as Buddhist dig-
nitaries, shared ideas on how Buddhism
has adapted to Industry 4.0 and utilized
digitalization to preserve Buddhist values
and promote the religion,” said the final
caption of the video clip.
How has Buddhism adapted to Indus-
try 4.0? The Jakarta Post doesn’t say, but the
religion’s tradition of meditation has of-
fered millions upon millions of beli evers
a method of coping with change for more
than 2,000 years — and Industry 4.0 rep-
resents change in ways that the world has
never experienced. If Buddhists wish to
have their own definition of Industry 4.0,
they can because, especially in English,
such definitions are naturally flexible.
In 1865, the English author Lewis Car-
roll wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
He followed up on its success in 1872
with Through the Looking- Glass, which in-
cludes this conversation:

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty
said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means
just what I choose it to mean — neither
more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether
you can make words mean so many dif-
ferent things.”
Kay Calpo Lugtu, however, prefers
the original meaning of Industry 4.0. At
the same time as The Jakarta Post was re-
porting about Vesak and Industry 4.0, she
wrote a story for The Manila Times titled
“Industry 4.0: Is PH ready?” (“PH” means
“the Philippines”). For the second part
of the story, she went to Pistoia, “a quiet
sleepy town north of Rome”, where she
visited Ricciarelli S.p.A, a 175-year-old

Here’s a dictionary definition of the
noun “makerspace”: “a place in which
people with shared interests, especially
in computing or technology, can gather
to work on projects while sharing ideas,
equipment and knowledge.” Maker-
spaces allow people to practise problem-
solving and discuss success and failure. In
his 1970 book Future Shock, Alvin Toffler
wrote: “The illiterate of the 21st century
will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, un-
learn and relearn.” Because people will
no longer start on a career path and stay
with only one job or company, helping
them to become lifelong learners is essen-
tial. Schools and firms need to provide the
learning environments — makerspaces —
that will enable students and workers to
learn how to unlearn and relearn.

The Croatian company Rimac Automo-
bili develops and produces electric hy-
percars. What’s the difference between
a car and a “hypercar”? Short answer:
a hypercar is at the forefront of design
and engineering. The 1,500-horsepower
Bugatti Chiron is a hypercar, which is
why its starting price is around €3 million.
Hyundai Motor Group and Kia Motors
have announced a strategic partnership
with Rimac Automobili, with a com-
bined investment of €80 million. This
is an attempt to strengthen South
Korea’s position in the high-performance
electric-vehicle market. Hyundai says the
companies will work together to develop
prototypes for a planned electric version
of Hyundai’s N brand sports car.

Is it possible to create an awesome learn-
ing experience for children that can be
used inside and outside the classroom
worldwide? Kahoot! believes it can
be done. The Norwegian game-based
learning platform, which claims to have
70 million unique monthly active users,
has recently made some strategic acqui-
sitions that signal its intent to go global.
First, it bought DragonBox, a start-up that
builds mathematics learning apps. Then,
it bought Poio, which has developed an
innovative way to teach children how
to read through play, which is used by a
community of more than 100,000 chil-
dren in Scandinavia. “Making learning
awesome!” is Kahoot!’s slogan.

“Industry 4.0 represents
change in ways that
the world has never

writes daily at
He uses social media to build
relationships for organizations.

cope with sth. [(kEUp wID]
, etw. bewältigen
dignitary [(dIgnEtEri]
, Würdenträger(in)
follow up on sth. with sth.
[)fQlEU (Vp Qn wID]
, etw. mit etw. fortsetzen
looking glass
[(lUkIN glA:s]
, Spiegel(glas)

packaging [(pÄkIdZIN]
, Verpackung
preserve sth.
, etw. bewahren
scholar [(skQlE]
, Gelehrte(r), Wissen-
scornful [(skO:nf&l]
, verächtlich


, Übernahme

[(O:sEm] ifml.
, fantastisch

brand [brÄnd]
, Marke
, Umgebung, Umfeld

be at the ~ of sth.
, einen vorderen Platz bei
etw. einnehmen

illiterate: the ~
, die Analphabeten/

relearn (sth.)
, (etw.) wieder lernen
unique [ju(ni:k]
, einzigartig;
hier: individuell

unlearn (sth.)
, (etw.) entlernen
, Fahrzeug

company that produces packaging equip-
ment for pasta makers. It plans to survive
for another 175 years with the help of
Industry 4.0.
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