Business Spotlight - 06.2019

(Barré) #1

72 Business Spotlight 6/2019 CAREERS & MANAGEMENT

funding [(fVndIN]
, Finanzausstattung
research [ri(s§:tS]
, Recherche(n)
shuttered: be ~
[(SVt&rd*] US
, geschlossen werden
venture capital
[(ventS&r )kÄpEt&l*]
, Risikokapital

ideas set them apart from the competition, and Ben
& Jerry’s became the global ice-cream empire it is

  1. Not enough money
    Many new businesses are shuttered because the
    owners failed to secure enough funding to cover
    costs and unforeseen problems, and didn’t under-
    stand the principles of cash flow. Let’s suppose you
    have done your research well and have determined

that €75,000 is enough to start your business. To deal
with any unforeseeable problems, you should dou-
ble that amount to €150,000, according to the SBA.
Unless you have the means to fund yourself, called
“bootstrapping”, you will need money from other
sources to establish and grow your business. Who
will give or lend it to you?
One option is to approach venture capital firms.
They offer financial support to small businesses, usu-
ally those with high growth potential. In exchange

How much money
do you need?
Probably more
than you expect!

Many new
businesses fail
because the
owners did not get
enough funding
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