Business Spotlight - 06.2019

(Barré) #1




Illustration: Bernhard Förth

How to say it

In this section, you’ll find a collection of the phrases and expressions
used in the extracts on the previous pages (pp. 6–11). The numbers
(1–11) after each of the phrases refer to the extract it was taken from.

Describing company

(^) We help early-stage businesses find
investors. [1]
(^) We advise companies on how to
run a healthy business. [1]
(^) It is our responsibility to ensure
that... [3]
Describing personal
(^) Your role would be to... [1]
(^) I perform external financial
audits. [1]
(^) My role is to... [1]
(^) I have full responsibility for... [2]
(^) I determine whether... [2]
Asking about responsibilities
(^) How do you ensure that...? [1]
(^) What does that mean in
practice? [2]
Asking for information
(^) Any others? [3]
(^) What happened there? [4]
(^) Could you clarify that for me? [5]
(^) Talk me through it. [7]
(^) Could you tell us that? [9]
Double-checking the figures
(^) Can we go over these numbers? [5]
(^) How have you calculated these
figures? [5]
(^) Have you deducted...? [5]
(^) Why did you deduct...? [6]

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