SEPTEMBER 2019 201
you little kiddies had to go up on stage in your costume, say hello to
this lovely author, and show her the book you’d taken your character
from. So we’d found a bumblebee outfit for you ...”
MR:“I remember. I can’t remember the book, though.”
SK: “It was so cute, and you went on stage to say hello to the lady and
you’re there flitting around going: ‘Buzz, buzz ...’ I remember
thinking: ‘Where did this come from?’ That was the beginning.”
MR:“I reckon it wasWinnie the Pooh.”
SK: “I also want to talk to you about how your fashion taste has
changed. When you were little I couldn’t get you out of board shorts
and mismatched T-shirts.”
MR:“And farm boots.”
SK: “Yes, and farm boots. And now you’re just
this amazing fashion icon sitting front row at
Chanel haute couture.”
MR:“Mum. God bless you. I am not a fashion icon,
but thank you for saying that.”
SK: “Well, you are to me. So tell me, what’s your
first fashion memory?”
MR: “I think you’re biased. I remember [my
cousin] Julia and I, we had the dress-up box and
that was the most exciting thing. It wasn’t so much
about fashion as it was about costumes and playing
dress-ups and making up stories. It is hilarious
when I look back at pictures and honestly, Mum,
I don’t know why you let me dress myself. I looked
ridiculous. The girls found a photo the other day of
us at some sort of school thing and I’m wearing an
apricot-coloured skirt, which I think Tahlia, my
babysitter had made, then a T-shirt and farm boots.
I don’t know how you let me out wearing that.”
SK: “Probably because you would have had a
tantrum if I hadn’t. When I see you sitting next to
Anna Wintour or being made the new fragrance
ambassador for Chanel, I think: ‘Pinch me, this
can’t be my daughter. The one who was in the farm
boots and the apricot-coloured skirt.’”
MR:“I am thinking the same thing.”
SK: “And you know what, being in a big family, too – with two
brothers and a sister and yourself – we had to figure things out and
work through the difficulties of having tight budgets and you were
very willing to run with that.”
MR:“Speaking of that, do you remember the valedictory dinner at school
and I didn’t have an outfit to wear? I found a skirt in the dress-up box – it
was an old 80s skirt, and I pulled it up and wore it as a dress and put a belt
around it. When I got there everyone was like: ‘Ooo, cool dress, whose
that by?’, because they were all wearing something a little snazzier, and
I said it was Willow, which was a really chic, cool Australian brand.”
SK: “It was a black taffeta skirt and you put a belt on it and borrowed
a pair of red heels. Do you miss your family, sweetie? We miss you.”
MR:“Always. Always, Mum, you know that. But I’m going to see
[brother] Cam soon. I’m flying Cameron over for the premiere because
he was actually in LA when I was shooting [Once Upon a Time in ...
Hollywood] and he came to set. Quentin was so nice and sat Cameron
next to him and the monitor, explained the whole shot to him, what the
crane was doing ... I could tell he was trying to play it cool, but he was
practically hyperventilating.”
SK:“When you first went to LA, Margot, to me you were so young
and every time you’d come home then go back it was awful. I used to
cry all the way back to the Gold Coast. I was really happy for you in
that you were doing what you loved, but you were still there on your
own. But when you met Tom, then married him, I used to think: ‘Oh,
thank goodness she’s going back to this wonderful man and I’m so
lucky because he adores her and she adores him.’ I’m grateful to have
him as a son-in-law, but also grateful that you can go back to him.”
MR:“Aww, thanks, Mum.”
SK: “When we’ve done things together, you and I, what is one
moment where you’ve stopped and thought: ‘Are
wereally here?’”
MR:“For sure earlier this year when we were in
Cannes [for the film festival] – that was such a
pinch-me moment. We were staying at Hotel du
Cap, which is just fancy, and it felt like every room
we walked into had a bottle of champagne handy.
Honestly, you and I would wait for everyone to
leave the room then we’d turn to each other squeal
and say: ‘Let’s drink champagne.’ Or do you
remember on the flight over there? We got to fly in
first class and we were freaking out because they
had caviar. On a plane! And I was like: ‘I don’t even
likecaviar but we should order it anyway.’”
SK: “Speaking of fond memories, what is one of
your fondest memories growing up on the Gold
Coast? Something that has stayed with you.”
MR:“You know what? All my fondest memories are
outdoors. The first thing that comes to mind is playing
outside at Julia’s house, in the backyard, making
cubbies, going out to the farm, going to the rockpools.
Do you remember when we lived in Currumbin Valley,
I would always do my homework in a tree? I’ve said
that to friends now who grew up in New York City
or London and they have no idea what I mean. And
I say: ‘Well, there were camphor laurel trees down
the back past the back paddock and I could sit in the
tree and do my homework and Mum could yell out
the window when dinner was ready.’ You tell stories like that and you
realisehow lucky you are to have grown up on the Gold Coast.”
SK: “Or I remember you sitting up the top of the tank and looking at
the sky with all the stars. How absolutely beautiful. Is there one life
lesson you’ve learnt from me that’s stuck with you?”
MR:“That’s a good question. I mean you’re probably the most moral
and good person I know. I think everyone who knows you agrees. There
are countless things I’ve learned from you. One life lesson that’s stuck
with me is something you actually told me. You told me a story about
your dad – about Grandy – you said that when you were little your
mum and dad were having a dinner party and you were listening to the
adults talk when you were meant to be in bed. They were talking about
someone and gossiping about someone. And Grandy said: ‘Well, he’s
not here to defend himself right now, so let’s talk about something else.’
He said it very calmly and politely. And I don’t know why but that’s one
of the things I’ve always remembered. I want to be that type of person
who hears people gossiping and says let’s talk about something else.
I think between you, Grandy and so many people in our family, I have
a lot to live up in terms of being a good person.” ■
“You and I would just
wait for everyone to
leave the room then
we’d turn to each other
squeal and say: ‘Let’s
drink champagne’”
Margot Robbie and her
mother, Sarie Kessler,
at theVanity FairOscar
after-party in 2018.