Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
Contending with mental
health and neurodiversity,
Ashley and wife Morgana

faced even more difficulties
than most when it came to

embracing – and showing the

world – who they truly are


married Morgana on Halloween
in 2015. We didn’t have a lot of
money, so our reception was a
buffet at a friend’s house, and
the music a YouTube playlist.
In a nice touch of synchronicity, the
neighbours were having an early Bonfire
Night; the spectacular fireworks at the
end of their display coincided with
everyone heading outside for taxis
home. Morgana wore a full-length,
crushed velvet dress in crimson. My
waistcoat and tie matched perfectly. Our
first dance was The Pogues’ ‘Fairytale
of New York’. There was a cake smash,
photos, and a lot of laughter. Just a
normal, slightly alternative wedding.
Except that Morgana and I are both
trans. I’ve medically and surgically
transitioned, finishing things to the

Writing | Ashley Ford-McAllister


Finding safe

spaces online

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