Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
Writing | Kathryn Wheeler

Through difficult times, animals have the power to offer relief and companionship. Inspired
by her mum’s experience with dementia, Sarah McPherson is the woman behind Miniature
Donkeys for Wellbeing – aka Mini Donks – the social enterprise that takes their seven
adorable animal companions on wellbeing visits, and changes lives while they’re at it




o cut a long story
short... We lost a
dog, went looking for
puppies, and came back
with two miniature
donkeys instead.”
Sarah McPherson is casting her
mind back to 2017, and the series
of events that lead her to found
Mini Donks – the social enterprise
that takes miniature donkeys
into care homes, schools, and
hospitals, to support community
wellbeing across their home
county of Norfolk.
“Bo Peep and Saffy joined the
family when my mum was in the
early stages of dementia,” Sarah
says. “When they were still able
to, my folks used to come over
and stay with us, and my mum
always loved spending time with
the donkeys. Then, her dementia
got worse, and it became very
obvious that my dad was going
to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
and vascular dementia, too.”
Sarah took a three-month leave
of absence from her job to try to
set up care systems so her parents
could stay in their home. During
this incredibly difficult time, Sarah
found comfort in her two donkeys.

“I’d come home, go and sit in
the stable, and just spend time
with them. Saffron would come
and stand with me. I used to just
sit and look up at her, and she’d
rest her head on my shoulder and
give me a big sigh. That was very
As Sarah’s parents’ conditions
progressed, they moved to a
nearby nursing home. Knowing
how much they loved the donkeys,
Sarah started to bring the animals
on visits with her.
“One of the nursing staff said:
‘There’s a lady who would love to
see them, but she’s bedbound. Will
they come in?’ I said: ‘Well, we’ll
give it a go.’
“Shortly after, we took our two
little donkeys to see this lady. And
that was the beginning of it all.”
When Sarah’s mum passed
away in April 2017, the Monday
following her funeral, Sarah
handed in her notice at her job,
and officially founded Mini Donks.
Since then, the team has
grown to seven donkeys and 12
volunteers – and together, they
work hard to support and improve
the wellbeing of everyone they can
in their community.

The soothing effect that animals
have on our wellbeing is truly
incredible, but Sarah thinks there’s
something particularly special
about donkeys.
“Our girls, they’re inquisitive,
they’re bright, but they’re also
very gentle. My Pippin, she’s very
sensitive to what people need.
She’ll suck on my hand, like a child
sucking their thumb. It relaxes her
and puts her into what seems a
dream-like state.
“So if we have somebody who’s
end-of-life, or maybe someone
with Parkinson’s who’s very shaky,
I’ll just gently draw Pippin towards
them, while she’s sucking on my
hand, and then they can put their
hands on her.”
After the visits, Sarah has been
told by staff at the hospital that the
atmosphere is so much calmer,
and Sarah sees first-hand how
spending time with the donkeys
can soothe stress and anxiety.
Recently, Mini Donks began
visiting a secure psychiatric
hospital. What began as a one-off
visit became every six months,
before they were asked to come
monthly instead. >>>

74 • happiful.com • September 2019

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