56 Scientific American, September 2019
Although the hornworm is a voracious eater that can
strip a tomato plant in a matter of days, it is, in fact,
harmless to humans. Entomologists had known the in-
sect to be innocuous for decades when Fuller published
his dramatic account, and his claims were widely
mocked by experts. So why did the rumors persist even
though the truth was readily available? People are social
learners. We develop most of our beliefs from the testi-
mony of trusted others such as our teachers, parents and
friends. This social transmission of knowledge is at the
heart of culture and science. But as the tomato horn-
worm story shows us, our ability has a gaping vulnera-
bility: sometimes the ideas we spread are wrong.
Over the past five years the ways in which the social
transmission of knowledge can fail us have come into
sharp focus. Misinformation shared on social media
Web sites has fueled an epidemic of false belief, with
widespread misconceptions concerning topics ranging
from the prevalence of voter fraud, to whether the Sandy
Hook school shooting was staged, to whether vaccines
are safe. The same basic mechanisms that spread fear
about the tomato hornworm have now intensified—and,
in some cases, led to—a profound public
mistrust of basic societal institutions.
One consequence is the largest measles
outbreak in a generation.
“Misinformation” may seem like a
mis nomer here. After all, many of to-
day’s most damaging false beliefs are
ini tially driven by acts of propaganda
and disinformation, which are delib-
erately deceptive and intended to cause
harm. But part of what makes propa-
ganda and disinformation so effective
in an age of social media is the fact that
people who are exposed to it share it
widely among friends and peers who trust them, with
no intention of misleading anyone. Social media trans-
forms disinformation into misinformation.
Many communication theorists and social scientists
have tried to understand how false beliefs persist by
modeling the spread of ideas as a contagion. Employing
mathematical models involves simulating a simplified
representation of human social interactions using a
computer algorithm and then studying these simula-
tions to learn something about the real world. In a con-
tagion model, ideas are like viruses that go from mind to
mind. You start with a network, which consists of nodes,
representing individuals, and edges, which represent so-
cial connections. You seed an idea in one “mind” and see
how it spreads under various assumptions about when
transmission will occur.
Contagion models are extremely simple but have
been used to explain surprising patterns of behavior,
such as the epidemic of suicide that reportedly swept
through Europe after publication of Goethe’s The Sor-
rows of Young Werther in 1774 or when dozens of U.S.
textile workers in 1962 reported suffering from nau sea
and numbness after being bitten by an imaginary insect.
They can also explain how some false beliefs propagate
on the Internet. Before the last U.S. presidential election,
an image of a young Donald Trump appeared on
Facebook. It included a quote, at tributed to a 1998 inter-
view in People magazine, saying that if Trump ever ran
for president, it would be as a Republican because the
party is made up of “the dumbest group of voters.” Al-
though it is unclear who “patient zero” was, we know
that this meme passed rapidly from profile to profile.
The meme’s veracity was quickly evaluated and de-
bunked. The fact-checking Web site Snopes reported
that the quote was fabricated as early as October 2015.
But as with the tomato hornworm, these efforts to dis-
seminate truth did not change how the rumors spread.
One copy of the meme alone was shared more than
half a million times. As new individuals shared it over
the next several years, their false beliefs infected
friends who observed the meme, and they, in turn,
passed the false belief on to new areas of the network.
This is why many widely shared memes seem to be
immune to fact-checking and debunking. Each person
who shared the Trump meme simply trusted the friend
who had shared it rather than checking for themselves.
Putting the facts out there does not help if no one both-
ers to look them up. It might seem like the problem
here is laziness or gullibility—and thus that the solu-
tion is merely more education or better critical think-
ing skills. But that is not entirely right. Sometimes false
beliefs persist and spread even in communities where
everyone works very hard to learn the truth by gather-
ing and sharing evidence. In these cases, the problem is
not unthinking trust. It goes far deeper than that.
THE FACE BOOK PAGE “Stop Mandatory Vaccination” has
more than 140,000 followers. Its moderators regularly
post material that is framed to serve as evidence for this
community that vaccines are harmful or ineffective, in -
clud ing news stories, scientific papers and interviews
with prominent vaccine skeptics. On other Face book
group pages, thousands of concerned parents ask and
answer questions about vaccine safety, often sharing
scientific papers and legal advice supporting antivac-
cination eff orts. Participants in these online communi-
ties care very much about whether vaccines are harm-
Cailin O’Connor
is an associate pro-
fessor of logic and
philosophy of science
and James Owen
Weatherall is a
professor of logic and
philosophy of science
at the University
of California, Irvine.
They are co-
authors of The Misin-
formation Age: How
False Beliefs Spread
(Yale University
Press, 2019). Both
are members of
the Institute for
Mathematical Behav-
ioral Sciences.
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Social media has
facilitated the prolif-
eration of false
belief at an unprece-
dented scale.
By modeling the
ways misinforma-
tion spreads via net-
works of people,
researchers learn
how social trust and
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how communities
reach consensus.
Adding propagan-
dists to the models
shows how easily
belief can be manip-
ulated, even when
scientists collect
ample evidence.